February 10, 2009

Asian New Year Festival @ GVSU

This evening we went back to my work to attend the Asian New Year Festival. One of our favorite acts is always the Lion dance that kicks off the celebration.

Josie wasn't quite sure about the loud symbols, or drums or the very large lion, but she didn't cry and we didn't have to leave the room during the dance.

After the dance was done, she let us take a picture of her near the Lion's head.

In addition to dancing and singing, free food is also part of the celebration. Yummy and a night off from cooking. Woo hoo!

I'm including a video clip of the Lion dance and I've turned the volume waaaaay down when I processed it, but it's still pretty loud. Be prepared to hit mute.

Although I don't have evidence of Cindy or Kelly in this blog entry, two of my favorite adoptive Mommies and their families were also with us this evening.

My Chinese New Year tree is coming down this weekend. We've had it up in our sunroom since December. One of my favorite things in the morning is to sit in the dark with a cup of coffee and stare at all its beautiful Chinese ornaments with the tree lights on. I'll miss it. It's been so nice celebrating Chinese New Year with my two girls this year. What a difference a year makes.


  1. I was filtering through all the blogs when I stumbled upon yours.
    You have two very beautiful daughters and I really enjoyed the video of the Lion Dance.
    I think it's really neat that you can go so far away and give help to people that really need it.
    I do lots of volunteer work myself, and I know when I have the chance I want to administer myself beyond the continent.
    Anyway, I just think what you're doing is really inspiring. (:

  2. I have been waiting for you to post!! So glad to hear Josie did so well! (and a bit jealous..LOL!)
    Looks like you all had fun!
    Hugs, Jill

  3. What a fun night!!! Don't you hate having to take down those trees??! They make everything so warm. Wish we could leave them up all year. But then...they wouldn't be special when we bring them out. Oh well...have fun putting it up!!! Josie looks so cute in her red outfit!!! Hope yall have a great Wednesday! I have GOT to get better at blogging. honestly...my attitude has been in the dumps and I haven't been able to see anything good to blog about. Isn't that terrible?!?! (maybe it's just been a long "month") :) I need to post something soon!! Thanks for being so good at your posts!!! I promise I'll get better!!! Have a great day!
    Love ya,

  4. Chloe and I have watched the Lion Dance video over and over! She loves it! What a treat for you to be able to be a part of such an awesome CNY celebration. Wish we could have been there too :)
    We took down the CNY tree and put up a Valentine tree. That made it a little easier :)

  5. What a wonderful opportunity to have these events so close by.

  6. How awesome to have such wonderful culture in your area! We just don't have Lion Dances around these parts, and I so wish we did. I love the pics!
    I am so sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your email. Yep, I'll probably become a blogger in a couple of weeks. Didn't you have your youbelong site put to CD? How was it?

  7. Thanks so much for posting video of the lion dance -- the whole way home Katie kept asking "where is the lion?" and "when is the lion going to dance?" I'm so bummed I wasn't more on the ball and there in time to see it. However, Dad couldn't have made it in time anyway, so...

    I love the idea of getting together to play. Let's plan something soon!

  8. What a great idea....the CNY tree...hmmm...maybe next year. :) Your CNY festivities looked awesome!


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