February 21, 2009

I'm done with winter!!

We have a snow storm raging outside, but I've decided I'm officially done with winter. This picture was taken at 8am this morning. We have woods behind our house and there were several deer braving the snow storm looking for food.

All the snowmen decorations came down Friday night and I pulled out my Easter supplies. Yes. I'm aware Easter isn't until April 12th, but I'm ready for pastel colors and spring decorations.

While I was decorating, the girls decided to play "beach" and they had their Chinese umbrellas out with towels on the living room floor.

The snow is continuing to fly outside but we're enjoying a little spring indoors. Next week, Josie sees her hand surgeon on Monday and her cardiologist on Friday. It's going to be a fun week of x-rays and procedures.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Stay safe and warm.

PS. Emma and I made the cutest baby Easter bunnies with homemade yarn pom poms. I'll post instructions and pictures on Monday.


  1. Ahhhhh! And we have the lovely GI appt! Looks like between the 2 of our kiddo, we have the whole thing covered..LOL! Love the pic of Miss Josie! And sorry to hear about the latest snowfall. Spring is coming soon my friend!!
    Hugs, Jill

  2. I guess if i had that much snow...I'd be tired of it too!!! LOVE Josie's pigtails!! TOO CUTE!!! I hope Spring will come soon for you guys! I think we're already there! Have a great week with the doctors! UGH!!! Well...at least they keep a good eye on Josie!!! Hang in there!!! Love ya,

  3. You guys really got hit hard with snow this winter. I guess I better stop complaining. We haven't had that much this yer. Kind of weird for our area.
    Love, Barb


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