February 3, 2009

Owls & Beads

Yes. I gave my blog another makeover with owls. I just love those furry wise little creatures. I think my obsession with owls started with this classic children's book.

A little secret that you might not know about me. Prior to my major career change twelve years ago, I was a librarian at a liberal arts college. Although my current job is all about technology and developing online courses, I still love a good book and reading is absolutely essential in our house. Even Josie loves her bedtime stories and is now a very patient listener.

Now to the craft...

I found the cutest white table-top tree at our local antique store discounted after Christmas and I decided to decorate it for Valentine's. The girls have had fun making all kinds of ornaments to put on the tree.

To get Josie working with her right hand (she still keeps that new thumb pretty stiff) I had her string beads on a pipe cleaner which we then turned into a heart ornament. She had a ball stringing beads and made several ornaments for me. This craft is so easy, a toddler can do it!!

Supplies needed for this craft include: medium sized plastic beads and white pipe cleaners. I actually got both items at our local Meijer grocery store. I bet a Dollar Store might even carry these supplies too.

Step 1. Take the pipe cleaner and string one bead to an inch of the end of the pipe cleaner. Loop the pipe cleaner around the bead so that the bead doesn't slip off the end of the pipe cleaner.

Step 2. Pour the beads into a small container and let your child string the beads onto the pipe cleaner.

Step 3. Have your child string beads until there is about a inch left of the pipe cleaner.

Step 4. Take the pipe cleaner and form a circle. Close off the ends by twisting the pipe cleaner together. Use the excess pipe cleaner to form a hook.

Step 5. Pinch down the circle to form the sides of a heart. Make a point near the center to form the v of the heart. You're done.

Happy Crafting!!


  1. As usual....another GREAT craft!!! I'm SUCH a slacker. Our days have consisted of really, doing not much at all!!! I need to get with the program!!!

    Love your blog make over!!! So cool!! I think it's awesome that you were a librarian. Do you guys do AR reading up there? Just curious if Emma had to do it. Here they stay on the kids about reading. Guess I'm glad because we probably wouldn't push Sophie as hard to read without that goal placed on her.

    Hope you guys have a great day!

  2. LOVED your notes about Mr. Lobel's Owl books - I am a children's librarian and TOTALLY agree! Love the new look! And now I'm thinking Chloe and I have a craft to do today!!

  3. Love the owl blog, sooo cute!
    Love the beaded heart idea too--so easy and pretty.

    Sorry I've been such a slacker in the commenting department--got a lot going on right now :)

    Wow, you guys just KEEP getting the snow, don't you?
    I'm tired of it too, but we haven't gotten nearly as much as you.

    Turn off the snow machine already!!

  4. The bead hearts are very cute! I'm feeling overwhelmed at the thought of buying pre-fab cards. :) How do you do it??

    I left you something on my blog, btw. ;)

  5. Guess what! I'm afraid of birds....well, not pictures of birds, but I do not share your love of any feathered friend.
    One of my "weird traits". ;)

  6. Super cute and I have all the supplies already at home!
    I love the owls!

  7. Kim,

    Loving the Owls-- and thank you so much for your constant support on my blog. I wish you lived close to me. You, Shanna and I could really get in some trouble together!


  8. I love the owls. You are so great with the craft ideas!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.