March 10, 2009

Getting Ready to Celebrate our Anniversary

On March 16, 2008 we met Josie for the first time. She walked into our Nanchang hotel room, a frightened little toddler with bright red cheeks and pale blue lips. Her little world had suddenly changed dramatically and her poor little heart was desperately in need of medical attention.

Not a day goes by that we are not thankful for the precious gift we were given a year ago in Nanchang, China. We are thankful for the caregivers at JiAn/Jizhou SWI who took care of her for the first twenty-one months of her life.

Josie has grown so much over this last year. She went from 9 month clothes to 2T clothes and a whopping gain of nearly 10 pounds in only 12 months. She is constantly talking, is now able to recognize letters from the alphabet, loves counting objects and is eager to try all kinds of foods.

Her big sister Emma is always happy to teach her little sister new things and Josie is happy to please. We are especially blessed by her loving nature. She constantly is hugging, kissing or snuggling with us.

In the past twelve months, we’ve been through all kinds of medical procedures, night terrors and bonding/attachment issues. It hasn’t always been easy, but we are a stronger family because of our adoption experience.

We're celebrating our “Josie Gotcha” day, over the weekend with a special mystery trip. Instead of calling it our Gotcha day, we are celebrating our "One year anniversary of becoming a family of four". Pictures will be posted on the blog from the hotel. Be sure to check back!!


  1. Wow! Has it really been a year? Amazing. I will never forget that first photo I saw of your darling girl's face. She is truly a gift from God.
    Congratulations on your first year as a family of four!!!! So many people have been blessed because of Josie.
    Have a wonderful weekend celebration! Can't wait to hear the details and hear about the girls' reaction to the surprise :)
    Hugs to you and your family, my dear friend!

  2. Kim, Your family is just precious. Thanks for the comments left on the blog. They are always very encouraging. Bobbie

  3. Happy Family Anniversary to all of you!! Love, love her sweet smile! We are so blessed to have these treasures from the Lord!

  4. Thanks for sharing those moments, Kim. You are an amazing family- all of you.

  5. I can't believe it's already been a year...WOW!!! Time flies. the difference in Josie in a year is amazing!! I LOVE her little's wonderful! She is so happy now!!! Congrats!!!! love you guys!!

  6. oh how i love to see that sweet face!! she has changed so much and her eyes show how God is filling her with LOVE !!! sister I am so glad we met on this journey ... you have been a constant support for me and always encouraging !!!

    Our girls are some tough cookies and such warriors !!! I have learned a lot from Josie and Maggie!

  7. Time goes so quickly, doesn't it?
    3/15 will mark 2 years since Lili's referral---amazing.
    Congratulations on your first year. You all have experienced so much over the last year. Can't wait to see what the next year holds!!
    Have a wonderful time on your vacation, take lots of pictures!!
    Can't wait to see where you go!

  8. Happy Family Anniversary to all of you.... Love, Sherry Franklin

  9. Congratulations on your one year anniversary (well, just a few days short of it!). Isn't it amazing how fast time flies?

    Josie is beautiful, a lovely testament to the power of love, family, proper nutrition and good medical care. She's lovely and looks so perfect in your family.

    Have a wonderful time this weekend! We're jealous and wish we were going with you!

  10. Congrats, Kenward family!!!! I remember following your journey quite closely this time last year. I can't wait to reunite our girls! Enjoy your mystery trip and give Josie a huge hug from Katelyn...

  11. I can't believe it has been a year....I remember watching your gotcha were so nervous....I could see it....and then there she was.....your sweet precious girl that was ment just for you if we could all just bring our babies home and close this chapter and begin another.....sigh..... ;)

    Beautiful post and I can't wait to see where you are....


  12. WIshing you a wonderful family anniversary weekend up north! Enjoy your special time together! I think that's a wonderful tradition and one we may have to copy next year when our anniversary rolls around.

    We moved our weekend at the lodge to May now. It will be the weekend after our birthdays, so will be a special celebration. Let's look at our calendars in April and see if we can find a date to get together.

    Have a wonderful weekend! I can't wait to see the photo's!

    Susan, Roger and Maiya

  13. Congratulations, Kim!! The change in Josie IS amazing! I know this has not been an easy year for you, but you always seem to find the joyful moments!! That's a gift!
    Have a wonderful trip, and I can't wait to find out where you're headed!
    Love, Barb

  14. Oh Kim, You are so blessed! Both Josie and Emma are beautiful little girls. It sure looks like God knew what he was doing when he picked you to be Josie's family. I don't think she could've asked for a better one! Continued blessings to you all as your grow in love as a family! Love, Krista


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.