March 27, 2009

a poem, a potty and a craft

My Sister Josie as cute as a bunny funny as a monkey happy as Spongebob.

My sister Josie as awesome as a 50foot waterslide sweet as a melon wild as a hyena.

( written by big sister Emma)

Potty News

Josie has been doing extremely well with potty training. Woo hoo! It helps that her daycare has been encouraging her transition to the big girl potty. Hopefully by the summer, Chris and I can finally stop purchasing diapers!! I'm guessing we aren't the only family with treats in the bathroom for successful potty attempts (hee hee).

I promised another craft project using recycled artwork. Here it is:

Almost every day, Josie brings home lovely new fingerpaint artwork from her daycare. Instead of throwing them in the recycling bin, I decided to turn them into an Easter mural.

Supplies needed:

Your child's artwork - it can be fingerpaints, scribbles, colored drawings...anything!!

Easter shaped cookie cutters
Pencil (for tracing)
Construction paper
Easter grass

Step 1. Trace your Easter cookie cutter shapes onto your child's artwork with a pencil.

Step 2. Cut out your cookie cutter tracings.

Step 3. Cut out an Easter basket with construction paper or from one of your child's drawings. Josie had a great print made with circle shapes that we used for our basket.

Step 4. Place your Easter basket on the construction paper and arrange your Easter tracings in the basket. Glue the basket and the Easter tracings on the paper. You can even embellish your basket with Easter grass to add an extra dimension.

Happy Crafting!! Aunt Shelly (this special artwork is coming your way).

Have a great weekend, everyone. We're going to finish sorting items in our storage rooms in our basement for our upcoming garage sale. We've got half a garage full of toys and girls clothes. Chris has graciously offered to host the sale during his spring break from school next Friday.


  1. Very sweet poem, Emma. Good job! Josie's a lucky girl to have such a great sister :)
    And good job with the potty, Josie! Think of all the extra treats mom and dad can buy when they don't have those diapers to pay for!
    Another great craft, Kim. You're just so darn creative!!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I love that poem. Too sweet! What a lucky little girl Josie is to have a sister that writes poems about her <3
    Yay to potty training! It won't be long until you can skip the baby isle in the grocery store altogether!
    I should just send Kai and Chloe's art work to you and let you make it for me! That is so cute and clever (and keepable).

  3. What a precious poem....Josie-Tatum has recently written about her own Gotcha Day at school, brought tears to the eyes of teachers.

    Yeah for the potty news! We've had good progress with bm's lately.

    And, I love the craft idea. Josie-Tatum brings home so much, what a cool way to display it.

    Garage Sale, oh my! We need to do that, get rid of things, and make money for South Africa!!! I've got to talk myself into that work. ;)


  4. Nice poem, Emma. I especially like the comparison to a '50 foot waterslide'. That's quite a statement, I think!

    Good job on the potty successes, Miss Josie! We've had some success with Ella, but nothing consistent. {{{{{sigh}}}}}.

  5. How lucky am I! I can't wait to get it!
    Awesome Poem too Emma!
    Takin after your Daddy?

    Aunt Shelly

  6. What a sweet poem, Emma!!
    And of course I love the craft - Nina brings home so much artsy "stuff" too, and she usually notices when things are "gone" (ahem.... you know what I mean....)
    Have a good weekend!

  7. LOVE Emma's poem!!! So sweet. And WHOO HOO for Josie (& Mom and Dad too!!) on the potty training! That is awesome!! That was a GREAT thing when we got Sadie...she already knew to use the potty and she didn't regress!! WHEW!! I DO NOT like diaper duty!!! :) LOVE the craft too. As always do such neat crafts!! Hope yall have a great week!
    love ya,


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.