April 1, 2009

Easter Peeps & Easter Bunnies

Look who discovered marshmallow peeps? Yes. Josie ate both of them and wanted more.

It's officially April and I can bust out the Easter crafts in full force!! I love decorating for Easter (almost as much as Halloween...shhhh don't tell Chris). This craft was constructed last weekend. I typically work on crafts with the girls on Saturday or Sunday afternoons.

This craft is very similar to the wooden Chinese dolls that I made for Kimberely's shower. These rabbits are made out of wooden beads that are hot-glued together and painted. I found my wooden beads at Hobby Lobby, but they are available at all craft supply stores. They come in bags of 12.

Supplies needed:

Wooden beads (1 large round wooden bead, 1 medium wooden bead, 1 wooden heart).
hot glue gun
White paint, black paint, pink paint
Paint brush
Embellishments (such as tiny flowers, cup cake papers, ribbon..etc)
White felt
Fine point black marker

Step 1. Hot glue the wooden beads and heart together. The heart becomes the base/feet of the rabbit.

Step 2. Paint the beads/heart with white paint.

Step 3. Set aside to dry. We waited around 20 minutes and put them under a fan to speed up the drying process.

Step 4. I took the end of my paint brush (the round pointed part) and dipped it in black paint to make eyes on our rabbits. Using a slightly smaller brush, I did the same thing with pink paint to make a tiny pink nose. I used a fine point black marker to draw on their whiskers and mouth.

Step 5. Using cupcake baking cups, I cut them apart to make a skirt on our bunny. One cupcake baking cup makes at least 2 skirts. I also glued tiny flowers and ribbons to embellish our bunnies a bit further. I used white felt to make ears and then glued them on our bunnies.

Isn't she sweet?

We had so much fun, Emma and I constructed a whole bunny family. These bunnies would look cute as a table display for Easter brunch or dinner.

While Emma and I were painting, Josie worked on her leap phonics pad. She now recognizes all the letters in the alphabet. What a little smarty pants. Sometimes she joins us in our craft project, but this one was a little more involved.

Happy Crafting!

PS. I really did something to my right knee when I fell on Tuesday at work. I'm seeing a doctor and getting x-rays Thursday afternoon. Emma's hoping I need a knee brace because she thinks it would be cool. I'm thinking an ice pack and less walking sounds just about right. I still can't believe I tripped over a chair while I was training faculty in a computer lab. My pride and my right knee is definitely bruised...sigh.


  1. Love the bunny craft!! BUT hate that you are hurting and needing to see a doctor. I hope that all goes well tomorrow.
    Tell Miss Josie that I love Peeps too and can eat a whole package of them before you can blink! There is something sweet about Peeps that makes Easter even better!

  2. Gracie and I love Peeps too! I literally have to hide the package from her--she can't eat just one, but then again I can't either! I love the bunny craft and all of the others. I have just caught up on your entries. We have been so busy---something every single day for the last 2 weeks. We're leaving for Disney on Friday!
    Hope the knee feels better soon. Sorry you wiped out---ouch!


  3. Seriously your girls are so lucky to have you - FUN projects everyday. The bunnies are adorable!

  4. OK....I want to come and see your house.....it has to be HUGE to store all these crafts and decorations! lol You need to host a craft party...seriously.....show your stuff and let us come to take notes.....Lord knows I'm going to have to keep all 3 Things busy this summer.....in your spare time....lol.....just put a little book together and send it to me.....Kim's Krafts.....

  5. Ok Kim...I'm REALLY lagging behind you with this craft thing. I tried one of them...and UGH...i thought I would SO STRESS out before it was over. My kids were complaining before it was over and I was trying to do it all for them...You make it look SO EASY!!! Guess I'm just not a craft kind of gal. I want to be so bad. oh well...I can just live vicariously through your crafty ideas!! :)

    SO SORRY about your knee. I hope everything is ok. Bless your heart! OH...and Josie recognizes all the letters?!? That's awesome! Sadie knows most of them...honestly...Silas could care less. He knows some of them. I just don't spend the time with them learning the letters. I know..I'm a slacker!!

    Hope you have a GREAT April!!! Hope spring weather is coming your way!!
    Love ya,

  6. I LOVE the bunnies! The weather is horrible here today so I might attempt some crafts with the girls. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. We'll make a good pair...I'll help you walk and you can help me write. :) Darling bunnies!

  8. These are way cuter than my rabbit disaster.

    BTW, Jack LOVED that toy when he was small. He played it until it died. LOL

    (And I have just rediscovered your blog after loosing track of it momentarily, off to my bloglines account stat!)

  9. Cute crafts, as always!!! So sorry about the craziness on Tuesday and your poor knee... sounds like you need some rest and relaxation. You are more than welcome to come hang out with me!!! :o) Hugs to you and prayers that everything is ok.

  10. Have to add my....the bunnies are sooo cute....too!!! :) And dear Josie is adorable...you can tell she's thinking....these are mine...all mine! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.