April 25, 2009

The weekend that almost wasn't...

Ever have one of those weekends...

My job is so stressful right now and it’s not going to let up anytime soon. I literally got through last week because of my approaching weekend and it tanked in "almost" every way possible. Sigh.

1. Rain, rain and more rain. It was in the 80s and sunny on Friday while I was stuck in a building at work!!! Where did all that wonderful warm sunny weather go for Saturday and Sunday? We had thunderstorms and down pours all weekend long. Sigh.

2. My dear husband ordered a new refrigerator (it's quite lovely) and when it was delivered on Saturday it didn't fit. Sigh.

3. Wood chipper woes. Chris rented a wood chipper and after a few hours into ear-deafening noise, it completely stopped working. Between you and me, I didn't mind that it stopped working. The thing scared the HECK out of me. I kept picturing him losing a finger of limb in that nasty machine. I can't imagine our horrible rain helped the situation. Chris is thinking he needs to have a HUGE brush/wood burning party instead of attempting the wood chipper again. I'm not sure which is more dangerous now???

In other happier news...

I did manage to escape to the Allegan Antique Market on Sunday with my mother. The rain made it interesting, but I did walk away with a few purchases.

Josie practiced using scissors this weekend. We're noticing that all fine motor skills are now done with her left hand. Prior to surgery on her right hand in December, she used both hands equally. She was so proud of her scissor skills, that she sat in her high chair for an hour cutting paper. Too cute.

While Josie was napping on Saturday I started working on a mock-up airline ticket party invitation for Emma's 11th birthday. She's going to have a tropical-themed party and each girl will get an airline ticket and passport. I swear if I could ever chose another career that paid as well as information technology, it would be for party planning. I love planning decorations, party favors, invitations...etc. Stay tuned for future posts on Emma's party preparations.

In the mean time, I think I need to purchase a real plane ticket and escape to Bora Bora...


  1. So sorry about the rainy weekend. Looks like it went north of us. We had a sunny weekend (Sat was on and off in the am). I think we're getting the rain today, though. Monday, Monday.
    Hang in there at work. Work stress is the worst, isn't it?

    LOVE the new fridge! Looks a lot like the one we're going to have. Jeff is NOT crazy about the french doors (too lazy to bend for ice cream!) but I LOOOOOVE it and I won :)

    I love your little sanctuary! Kind of maybe makes the rainy days more pleasant? Maybe?

    Josie sitting for an hour cutting paper, huh? That's the life :)
    You go, Josie!

    And the invitations are the CUTEST! Can I come?
    You could totally go into party planning....so creative.

    Hope you have a better work week this week. And a better weekend coming up.

  2. Girl...I'll meet you in Bora Bora! I NEED IT TOO!!! SIGH!!!!

    sorry your weekend went bad. At least its warm now...right?!?! LOVE the idea for Emma's b'day party. You are SO creative. I told my kiddos no more big b'day stuff...until big b'day numbers. So...Sophie's next big one will be at 13. I have a few more years. It gets TOO expensive. We just do family stuff...and they can have one friend over. I don't know how moms do it over and over every year. wow!

    Anyway....I hope your week is better than your weekend. Mark and I realized last night that we need the weeks...to recouperate from our weekends. Our life is SOOOOOOO CRAZY right now. I am really a bit overwhelmed. It's not my job...just everything else going on. I hate that I haven't been able to blog. It's something I love to do and just don't have time now! :(

    Oh well...Have a fantastic day!
    Love ya,

  3. Can you pack me in your suitcase for Bora Bora I don't think that I weight that much. LOL.
    What a great idea for Emma's party.
    I hear ya that rain and rain more made it somewhat miserable.

  4. I'll meet you on the beach. With an umbrella drink : )

  5. Kim, I am SO SORRY about the rain. We had rain for about 3 months straight and it is so depressing to me. I won't tell you about our weekend weather.

    May I hop on the plane with you? Seriously!

  6. I hear you on the weather. Sigh.... On the nice days, I look longingly out the window of the hospital. Kate is finally able to be moved easily with her wound vac out this afternoon, and now we're supposed to have torrential rain for the next two days. ARGH! So much for taking her outside by myself.

    I love the party invitations! Also loving your new blog design. :)

  7. I HEAR YOU!!! I don't know, maybe its Spring fever that has us so edgy with work. Also maybe it is that our lives have been in such a power forward position with the new kids for a year that it's time for us to slow down. Thank God for the arts and crafts! I hear you there; if I didn't get to plan a major theme party every few months, I would be totally jonesing for the artistic/creative, busy hands, yet detailed mental planning release! Yeah Kim, we are two sick birds of a feather. Oddly, the kids like it which helps support the habbit!

  8. Do you guys not have some sort of city/county recycling center that will take the brush that he is trying to chip? We just dump ours there. Well, what we dont use for fireplace kindling.

  9. Oh, no!! It's so frustrating when you count on your leisure/family time and it all goes down the drain...
    I hope this week will be better!!
    Cute, cute invites!! Anya's b'day is coming up, too, and she has all kinds of plans...
    In case it makes you feel better - our soccer games last weekend were canceled because of SNOW!!!
    Love, Barb

  10. Tell me which flight you are taking to Bora Bora so I can book the same one!!!!!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.