April 23, 2009

What a fantastic weekend...

It was unusually warm for West Michigan this weekend nd I loved every second of it. I could have gone without the rain on Sunday, but I'm not complaining. At least it wasn't snowing!!

Chris was super productive with his wood chipper on Saturday (scare me NOW). I couldn't watch. I was worried he was going to cut off a limb or finger during his 24 hour rental period.

Emma had a two hour soccer session on Saturday and Josie spent most of that time running along the side of the field wishing she could join her big sister.

Best of all, I had such a great day on Sunday scouring for finds among the antique dealers in Allegan. It’s so therapeutic for me to get away and just decompress. My job is so stressful right now and it’s not going to let up anytime soon. I need these bits of escape every now and then.

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