May 10, 2009

My... how we've changed!!

You'll notice that I've updated my profile picture on my blog. The picture I had been using for my profile was taken in China on one of their famous red couches in the White Swan Hotel. I can't get over how much Emma and Josie have grown in one year. I have such beautiful girls! Josie isn't my baby anymore and Emma is looking more and more grown up. Check out the changes below:

Easter Sunday in Guangzhou 2008

Mother's Day 2009

I had a lovely Mother's Day. I was treated to a delicious cup of coffee in bed complete with whipped cream and a pile of gifts.

We spent the afternoon with my extended family dining at a favorite restaurant and then going back to my parents to celebrate Emma's 11th birthday.

I've always raved about my mother's artist talents. As much as I'm creative and crafty, I didn't any inherit any of her sewing skills what-so-ever. She made the most amazing journal for Emma.

Just look at the detail work. It's so beautiful.

She also made my sister and I hand-strung pearl necklaces for Mother's day. We're so spoiled.

Thanks, Mom. You're the best!!

Happy Mother's Day. Hope all of the mothers, daughters, and mothers-to-be had a peaceful, loving day.


  1. Beautiful gifts--wow! :) You and your girls look beautiful!!! Your mom, too. :)

  2. LOVE the new picture!!! It's a great one. You guys have changed quite a bit!!! Sounds like your mother's day was great!!!! We're all so blessed with such wonderful families!! I hope you have a great week!!

  3. You sure do have beautiful girls! (mom's not too shabby herself, either!)

    Just got caught up with all your new posts. The party looked like it was so much fun!! (good thing it was tropical INSIDE--yucky weather, huh?)

    Happy Mother's Day to you, my friend. We have so much to be thankful for, don't we?

    (and I noticed the 'farting elephant' on your sidebar. it will be purchased in a split second if my kids happen to see it. right up their alley!!) :)

  4. Talk about family resemblance! Nice updated photo!

  5. That is a lovely journal. Emma's face is certainly starting to mature...

  6. Wow...the change in one year is amazing! Happy late mother's day.. I am a little behind..

  7. What a lovely day (and you have such a talented Mom, lucky you!).

    Your girls have, indeed, grown so much in the last year. The photo of the three of you is lovely.

    Today my son left for his final dayof High School -- I just can't quite believe it. Kind of surreal, if you understand what I'm trying to say.

  8. I love the picture of you and your girls!!! You guys looks so happy!
    Love, Barb

  9. Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's day! What a beautiful picture of you and your beautiful girls!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.