June 28, 2009

Fun in the Sun...Part 2

After being at the cottage this past week, I have to say that Michigan has the MOST wonderful weather! It is what I like most about living here. Experiencing all four seasons is so much fun (sometimes that pesky winter season lasts a bit too long) but when spring turns to summer, it’s just magic.

Here are a few more shots of our Lake Michigan beach vacation. I can't wait to go back next year.

We'll be shaking out the sand for weeks from our beach clothes. We were able to extend our cottage vacation into Sunday and I'm so glad I took an extra day off before returning to work. Yippee for a shortened work week!! See you on Tuesday, coworkers.


  1. My goodness! Lake Michigan is amazingly beautiful!! We are ready to vacation away from the Gulf....maybe you will find us on the beach next to you next year!
    The girls looks so fab in those cool shades. Super cute!! Glad you had a wonderful vacation.

  2. What gorgeous photos Kim! I am so gld you guys had such a great time!!
    I have never been in MI near the "coast", only in Lansing, but it definately looks like a great place for us to head sometime in the future!
    Hugs, Jill

  3. Looks like you had a blast!!! We leave for vacation later this week... can't wait!!!!!

  4. Ahhhhhh....I can hear the waves and smell the seaweed. What gorgeous pictures!! Your week looks like it was heavenly.

  5. Looks like a picture perfect week! So glad the weather was wonderful and you weren't there this week. We'd love to learn more about the cottage, and may try to get a week there next year. Josie looks so cute in her little bikini! Looks like the bottoms are a little big on her, which seems to be the case with everything we buy for Maiya!

    Let's try to plan a dinner date with the kids after we get back from vacation. I was hoping to do it before we leave, but I have a feeling our week will be crazy getting ready to go. We'll be back on the 17th, so let's look at the following week.


  6. What a beautiful week for the cottage, it was meant to be...:)
    I would love to go but Alan is not going to be home, Ava usually hits the bed around 8. we will all have to get together for a playdate before Kimberely goes back to work.

  7. Oh my. Your Lake Michigan pictures are lovely! Y'all must enjoy that so! I've never been up there (or at least not to really explore) and I want to! Looks amazing. Your daughters are precious! Sweet memories!

  8. I totally agree that Michigan in the summertime is unparalleled! So glad you had a great vacation - and took such fun pictures to remember it with!

    Will I see you at the airport tomorrow evening?

    Oh, and we need to have one huge rip-roaring party once Kimberley gets over her jet lag - we have to introduce all of these kiddos to each other!

  9. It does look like so much fun. I hope to take the kids to the beach on Lake Erie, their first ever visit to one of the Great Lakes.

    Preparing ourselves for cooler temps tomorrow. We're in TN now, but yesterday's heat index at home was 112!


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