July 17, 2009

Day 6 in DC...Reuniting with Josie's Orphanage Roommate

Our final day in DC was spent at the International Spy Museum (no cameras allowed..and they even had a James Bond Aston Martin car!!!) and visiting the Capital Building.

The highlight of our trip was meeting up with Schaefer family to reunite one of Josie's former orphanage roommates (Nora).

Our families rode paddle boats around the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial and dodged a few raindrops. The Schaefer family explained that the view of the cherry blossoms from this area in the spring is absolutely breath-taking.

They were so kind and even treated us to dinner at The Old Ebbitt Grill. We aren't sure that the girls recognized each other, but they sure enjoyed each other's company.

Our families will be seeing each other again in October when we travel to Disney with three other families from Josie's orphanage. It was so nice to finally meet in person after all these months of email correspondence. Thank you for being such kind hosts, Schaefer family!!

Tomorrow we fly out early afternoon. We've had a fabulous time in DC and could easily spend more time here again. Here's to hoping for an easy return flight home and a happy quiet Josie on the plane!!


  1. That is so neat that you got to meet up with Josie's roommate. Looks like you guys had more fun today. My aunt went to Washington during the cherry blossom festival and she said it was beautiful. I would love to visit during the festival. I will be crossing my fingers for a smooth flight!

  2. How wonderful!!!! I am sooooo looking forward to October!!!!

  3. So sweet! I can't believe how big Miss Nora has grown! I love seeing the two girls together (: I wish that we could have been there too. What a great evening for both families. Hope your return flight is fast and happy!

  4. Wow...great pictures and looks like you are making some wonderful memories!!

  5. Wow, it looks like you are having a fantastic time and are meeting up with some wonderful friends.

  6. Oh how fun and exciting! Looks like the two were so excited to see each other! We are getting ready to meet up with the Debono's again in a few weeks, and you post made me all the more excited!!
    Safe and happy travels home!!
    Hugs, Jill

  7. Priceless bond with those girls. I have a pic of PG's crib-mate. She was adopted a couple of weeks before we got PG and the mom and I corresponded for awhile and then, sadly, she divorced her hubby shortly after and we lost contact. It kills me that I don't know how to find her knowing how precious that would be to PG in years to come. We keep up with others from the same SWI, but the crib-mate is a special bond.

  8. It was so fun to meet your family in person, and reunite the girls! We had so much fun with you on the paddle boats (even in the rain!)and the kids did so well at dinner. Safe travels and we look forward to seeing everyone again in October! With love, The Schaefer Family

  9. A special day! How blessed you are to meet another family from Josie's orphanage!


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