July 6, 2009

Potty Talk & Leftover Beach Sand & Shells

Josie is heavy-duty into potty training right now. We are so proud of her enthusiasm, but this could definitely make an interesting experience as we are flying out to DC later this week. The past two weeks have reminded me how important it is to scout out bathrooms as we are running errands around town. Frankly, its been easier to just stick close to home during potty training. Chris reminded me that when Emma was Josie's age, it was our trip to NYC city that pushed Emma to be fully potty-trained. What is it with vacations and potty training?

During our time at the cottage, the girls collected all kinds of interesting stones and shells from the beach and we decided to turn them into decorative candle holders.

I soaked the shells in bleach overnight and let them dry in the sun. Before we left the cottage, I filled up a couple of ziplock bags full of sand to bring home. I then recycled a few empty jars and votive candle holders and layered them with sand and our lovely beach stones and shells. To give then a little more zip, we strung beads and shells from our local dollar store onto craft wire and wrapped the decorative wire around the neck of our jars and votive holders.

Don't these little candles look charming on a patio table? Makes me want to be back at the beach again.

Happy crafting!


  1. Way to go on the potty training. Hope it continues! Love the little votive holders, what a great way to remember your trip to the beach.

  2. Yay! We are still trying to potty train Anna Grace

  3. I know what you mean about the potty training. Madi is ready, but I'm not. It's just easier to let her wear pullups when we are away from home. Yesterday was her first day without one and she did great when we were out on errands. I just hate public toilets...:p

  4. Wohoo for Miss Josie!!!! There is a great "foldable" potty seat if you need it for public restrooms. Some of my kids were terrified of going on a regular size toilet for quite some time!
    Love, Barb

  5. Ohhhh! the woes of potty training! How could she not be enthusiastic with a potty like that??!!
    Beautiful candle holders. So creative.

  6. Hope you have a wonderful trip! I am guessing she'll LOVE the plane! Short and fun!

    As for PT on the road, here is what I do. I have a cheap potty seat in the van. I'm serious. It was collecting dust in our attic, but you can find them all day long used at consignment stores for $5 or less. Plus, public toilets freak me out anyway. Now w/ S, I am in germphobe overdrive. Get a cheap potty seat for the road I say! :)

    When S was PTing, I would have her sit on it before we went in the grocery store, Tarjay, etc. Worked like a charm. Now it goes camping w/ us. Hey, figure that one out but it comes in handy in the tent at 1 AM when Mama ain't walking in the dark!!!


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