July 1, 2009

Star Spangled Fun Ideas

With the Fourth of July upon us, here are a few fun holiday ideas. We made this festive star garland with decorative scrapbooking paper and ribbon.

You can find a star template at this website.

Supplies needed:

Red, White, and Blue paper (construction or scrapbooking paper)
3 hole punch
Star Template

Feeling lazy, I put our scrapbooking paper into our computer printer and printed off the star templates right onto the scrapbooking paper. Emma was good about helping me cut out the stars while Josie attempted to cut out her own versions.

Josie was able to help me string the stars together to create the garlands.

We chose to string them on our dining room chandelier but they would look fun anywhere.

These festive little treats are just marshmallows with a thin coat of icing dipped in sprinkles. I cut straws in half for the sticks. Who doesn't love a little bit of sugar for the 4th!!

For a few other ideas (including crafts, printables, games and recipes) check out the Family Fun website.

During this 4th of July, we certainly will remember the gift of our independence and treasure it. In a little over a week, my work is sending me to Washington DC for a conference and I'm bringing the whole family. I couldn't think of a better place to celebrate our independence. If anyone has a MUST SEE exhibit or family-friendly activity in Washington DC, please share. We picked up a travel packet from our local AAA office, but I'm always open to personal recommendations.

Happy Crafting and Happy 4th of July!!


  1. OH MY GOSH!!! When are you going to DC??!?!? mark's company is sending him to DC to do an audit. We will know early next week when we are going. We're taking the whole family too. We don't have the details yet...but if we are there at the same time we HAVE to connect!!! I won't have our details until next week. I hope it works out that we will be there at the same time. how fun would that be?!?!

    Hope yall have a great 4th. GREAT craft!!! TTYS
    Love ya,

  2. Hi Kim,
    As you know, you are one of my favorite bloggers to visit! Sorry I don't often leave you a comment, but I am usually checking your site when I only have a moment or two. (And right now I have a very curious little monkey on my lap--but I am determined to leave you this message!)

    Anyway, I am thinking about leaving the comfort of our youbelong site to take the big step to develop my own. Blogger is probably where I will end up. Would you mind telling me where you get your seasonal and holiday boarders for your site? I am a scrapbooker, too, and your boarders and such always look like something that I would pick out for the kids' books.

    I wished that we lived closer because we have so much in common--I love to craft and simply love antique stores. In fact, if you ever have a chance to come to East Tennessee, I would love for you to see our house. It was built in 1892, and it is a continuous labor of love.

    I hope that you, Chris, Emma, and Josie have a happy and special 4th!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.