August 17, 2009

Another MUST READ book for Chinese Adoptive Families

I have a new book that I'm recommending for adoptive families of Chinese children. As a former librarian, I shouldn't even admit how many books I purchase, rather than loan from our local library.

On our weekend train ride to Chicago, I dug into my recent acquisition, The Essential Guide to Chinese American Celebrations and Culture by Rosemary Gong.

I've been searching for a book that I can refer to for answers on how and why Chinese celebrate and observe special holidays and occasions. This book even has easy recipes (although don't expect me to cook sauteed snails with black bean sauce for our upcoming Mid-Autumn Moon Festival in October). I can't wait to put some of this information to good use.

To my local adoptive friends, make sure to mark October 3rd on your calendar. We're hosting a Moon Festival celebration at our house!! I've never met a holiday I didn't enjoy!!


  1. we have this book and love it -- I second your recommendation!

  2. Keep making those book suggestions - they're very helpful. Though 14 year old recently asked me if the only books I buy are Chinese...

    Can't wait for the party on October 3 -- we'll be there!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.