August 23, 2009


It was a productive weekend of cleaning, back to school shopping, and enjoying a few fall recipes. I'm feeling recharged, but would love a three-day weekend. Oh well.

On Saturday, Emma and I had a mother-daughter day. It has taken her weeks to figure out what she was going to wear for school pictures (which actually happens this week on Wednesday). I am happy to report she FINALLY figured out the perfect outfit. We spent the majority of the day shopping at our local mall. It was just the two of us, but Josie benefited from our shopping spree.

Check out my two super models.

To make ME happy, we made a quick trip one of my favorite antique stores where I found a $2 black scrapbook which I turned into a book of spells and potions for our upcoming Halloween party.

I took the aged yellow pages out of the scrapbook and ran them through my printer. Microsoft Word has a chiller font which nicely compliments my spells and potions...moo ha ha.

After having so much fun creating my book of spells and potions, I decided to pull out my favorite witches and put them on top of my new black hutch. Yes. I realize it isn't even September yet, but when you see just how many decorations are involved in our upcoming Halloween party (which will also benefit Pearl River Outreach), you'll forgive a few witches in August.

Have a great week. I've got a crazy week at work and several evening obligations at the University. I'm glad my Mr. Mom is home for another 2 weeks.


  1. Glad you're feeling recharged.
    (shopping always does it for me, personally!)
    The girls look adorable. Love Josie's ladybug shoes!
    You could, and should, write a book on halloween entertaining. The "book of spells" is just fantastic.
    Hope you have a great (at least a not too bad) week :)

  2. I LOVE getting all the new stuff probably MORE than my daughter does!! LOL! ; )

    BTW--please tell me what you eat and drink in order to get the amount of energy and awake time and motivation it takes for you to continually do all the amazing things that you do!!! I'm not joking-----tell me your SECRET!!!

  3. Great outfit choices Emma! and those are the cutest shoes that you purchased for Josie.

    Your new hutch displays your witches perfectly. I love the spell book! Very clever, Kim!

  4. Looks like you guys had a wonderful shopping trip. I was just thinking the other day about how many weeks till I can starting getting my fall decorations out. I can't wait to see what you have in store for Halloween!

  5. Love the ladybug shoes!!! I've been looking for a pair of brown shoes for Katelyn... where did you get them???

    Emma and Josie both look darling... :)

  6. With all that time crafting...who cleans your house? ;)

  7. I'm still waiting to hear your magic potion for how you manage to do all the great things you accomplish with your time......... ; )


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.