October 29, 2009

A few more sneak peeks...

Ghoulish games...

Delightful decorations...

Tasty treats...

We're "almost" ready for some freaky fun...

Happy Halloween from the Kenward family!!


  1. Looks like everything is coming together. Enjoy!

  2. I dream of having a Halloween party such as yours one day!!
    The games are crazy-cool! I know your Friday night will be loads of FUN! Can't wait to see your after party pics.
    Hugs to you my dear friend~

  3. Kim,
    I love all the detail you put into your parties, and I know that your guest will appreciate all the time and effort you, Chris and the girls have put into it.

    Hoping that your Friday is not too crazy before the big event!

    Happy Halloween hugs. . .
    Cindy W.

  4. Wow...you aren't kidding when you go all out! Have fun!!! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.