October 4, 2009

Moon Festival Pictures & Halloween Hat Winners!

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful adoptive families living in our area.  I hope our girls enjoy these friendships as much as the adults enjoy these gatherings.We had a wonderful Moon Festival celebration.

Drum roll please…..Red Mary Janes and Lili-bug are the fabulous winners of my Halloween hats! Congratulations, ladies! I'll be getting those hats in the mail early this week.

I had so much fun, that I’ m thinking I’ll do another Halloween give-away in the near future. Check back in a few days for a chance to win another Kim K. creations.  Have a wonderful week!


  1. FUN...FUN...FUN..
    Love the photos..
    Sounds like a great evening..
    Congratulations to the winners..
    have a great Sunday..

  2. Now, that looked like FUN! Love all of the pictures! All of the girls are so beautiful. Hey, you need a boy in the mix.. I wish we lived closer :)
    Congrats to the winners!

  3. You guys are so lucky to have such a great group! It looks like a great time. :0

  4. Looks like another great party.
    Wish we lived closer.
    Hope you have a great week!

  5. You are blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful families. Looks like everyone had a great time!

  6. What a fun party! That is so neat that you are able to get together with other families in the area.

  7. Here from Red Mary Jane's :). How fun that you can all get together!

  8. I wish I could've come!!! It looks like so much fun!

    We have some families in our area too but none of us seems to have the entertaining knack like you do!!!

    Hope your Halloween preparations are going well!

  9. P.S. Can't find your email. A family from our area is flying up to your area tonight for open-heart at Mott's on Wednesday for their 2-year-old son. I will send you the blog address if you want. He is having surgery with a Dr. M (sounds like borrow). Maybe same surgeon as Josie's?

    Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

  10. Yes, please have another giveaway! Looks like you and your group had as much fun as our group did. (Although we were missing the Kim K. touch!)

    By the way, Emma looks smashing in her Egyptian girl costume!

    Have a great week. . .
    Cindy W.

  11. WOO HOO! I love the hats! We had such a wonderful time. Thank you so much for hosting. I could tell that you put a lot of work and love into the evening. My children had so much fun.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.