November 17, 2009

Prayers for Nana & Meet our new baby!!

Keep the prayers coming for Chris's mom. The catheterization did not indicate any substantial information, but did indicate that one of the four arteries of Carol's previous bypass was showing more blockage than the last catheterization she had. As much as they are concerned about this, they are not sure at this point if the main culprit she is having such severe edema in her legs or shortness of breath. More diagnostics are necessary and they will be doing an ultrasound and an MRI within the next few days. We were all hoping for a magic solution or explanation for her severe health decline during today's procedure...sigh.

In happier news, Lindsey (the little girl we were sponsoring through Pearl River Outreach) has finally been united with her forever family!!

Meet our newest baby. Her name is Lian and she was born September 3, 2009. She has a tumor on her right leg which can hopefully be operated on.

Pearl River outreach is still hoping looking for additional sponsors for other children and you can find more information on their blog at

While I'm on the mission for promoting Chinese-related causes, just a reminder about Operation China Warm-up. See Kay Bratt's blog for more information.

Happy Tuesday. Stay healthy!


  1. Praying for Chris' mom and your new baby is absolutely darling! What a teeny little girl!

  2. Prayers for Chris's mom.
    Praise the LORD for the new family for one more precious child!
    Now, stop teasing with such a title, "meet our new baby." ;)

  3. Your new baby is ADORABLE! Praying for her and Chris' mom, too.
    LOVE your vintage Christmas finds, by the way.
    We'll be decorating starting NEXT WEEK! eek! November's almost over...

  4. We continue to pray for Chris' mom. I know this must be a stressful time for all of you.
    Your new little girl is a doll!!! I love Pearl River's program. They are so wonderful about sending pictures and updates on the little ones.

  5. I will keep Chris's mom and your family in my prayers! So happy to hear that another child has been united with their forever family! I love the picture of your "new baby"! What a sweetie pie!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.