December 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

We’re back home from visiting Nana in the nursing home the last few days across the state. She’s aged so much. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but she doesn’t resemble the strong lady we all knew and it breaks my heart to see her this way. She's made progress, but she has quite a bit of PT/OT therapy ahead of her before she can have her heart surgery. We all look forward to the day that she can return to her home again.

On Thursday, Chris is taking the girls to the Princess and the Frog movie so that I can have a power wrapping session.

Being pressed for time (I've never been this so behind with wrapping and it's driving me crazy), I’m going to use different wrapping paper for Emma and another style of wrapping paper for Josie, so that I don’t have to worry about tags too. Sounds lazy, but it should also cut down on confusion when Josie opens up gifts this year. Last year, she only had one hand and we had to help her open all her gifts. This year should be much different and I can't wait!!

I hope that everyone has a blessed and safe holiday. Here are a few pictures of the girls modeling their Christmas dresses. These were taken a few weeks ago prior to Emma's new bang-styled haircut.

We'll be attending the 5pm Children's mass Christmas eve. Don't they look cute? I promise they will wear cardigan sweaters, tights and appropriate footwear. Josie was going for the bare look on the night I took these pictures.

I'm also ignoring how grown-up Emma looks in her dress.

I'm soooooooo looking forward to hearing giggles and squeals Christmas morning.


  1. Oh, you'll get it done, and then it'll be such a great feeling!!
    Much Christmas Love from our family to yours!!

  2. Their dresses are beautiful. I love the idea of the wrapping paper and may be stealing that for next year with Logan and Madison. Have a wonderful holiday!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.