December 25, 2009

Just thought you should know...

If you collect Asian-themed Christmas ornaments, World Market had a wonderful assortment marked down to 50% prior to Christmas.

I can only imagine the markdowns now that Christmas is over. I scooped up all I could find earlier this week (a Christmas present to myself) for our Asian tree.

I'll be leaving up our Asian tree through Chinese New Year in our sunroom.

I still can't believe Christmas is over. It was lovely.

Josie was so excited to open gifts this year with her big sister. Even better, she got to open MORE gifts later in the day at my parents new house. Where on earth am I going to put all these toys?

I'm looking forward to staying HOME the rest of the weekend. After all our traveling this last week, I'm ready to get cozy in our own house. Bring on the toys! Bring on the Christmas cookies and hot chocolate (thanks Aunt Marion & Aunt Jean). Bring on the movies and popcorn!! Heck, bring on another snow storm!!


  1. What a great time you guys had..
    LOVE the photos..
    And the asian ornaments are amazing.. I am heading there tomorrow..I hope they have some left..

  2. Glad you all enjoyed your Christmas with family! We too have more toys then we know what to do with. My bedroom is now the playroom :(
    Our World Market closed, so I missed out on Asian ornaments this year. I need to find another to shop!!
    Hope you get to relax the rest of your Christmas break!
    BTW~love the new blog makeover

  3. Oh I ADORE World Market. Your new ornaments are just perfect :0)

  4. Ooohhh...thanks for the tip--I'll head over there and check out the ornaments. I love your idea of a Chinese themed tree. (What a great excuse to leave the tree up until after CNY!) Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. :)

  5. Glad to hear Christmas was enjoyed by all. Love the ornaments. Went online to look and couldn't find any. Hope you enjoy your time off and Chris's mom continues to improve.

  6. New to your blog - but ohhhh what a beautiful family you have!
    I love your Asian Christmas tree! We are hoping to have a Tree from around the world next year! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.