January 18, 2010

Bring my Josie back...

The last 4 days have been brutal. I want my happy Josie back. I haven't posted about night terrors or attachment issues in a long time, but it's rearing its ugly head again. I want THIS Josie back in my house.

We've had non-stop tantrums and crying fits that could wake the dead. It feels like our China experience all over again. We were out of town this weekend for my work and Josie never does well in hotel rooms. She was up each night crying out and screaming in her sleep. This morning, back in our own house, getting ready for daycare was just brutal. Picture screaming fits, rolling around on the floor, flying objects (shoes, sippy cups, toys..etc) and lots of slobbery tears and nose "stuff". It lasted for at least 30 minutes (which always scares me with her repaired heart). The same thing happened again this evening while driving Emma to religious education class. Something is up again. Sickness...maybe? Residual attachment stuff...maybe?

Josie, we love you. Come back.


  1. sooo sorry..
    hope things get better soon..
    BIG HUGS...

  2. Poor baby. It is hard on everyone when this happens. Kai and Chloe have certainly had their share of "off" moments. This mommy's heart hears your hurt. Routine, hugs, and more hugs will bring sweet Josie back in no time!
    Hugs from Atlanta~

  3. I am so sorry that Josie is experiencing this again. I will be in prayer that she finds peace. Many hugs to her and your family. . .

  4. Kim,
    So many hugs to you and Josie and everyone who has to be there and be a part of the night terrors. You and I have talked about this before, and you know I am a victim of night terrors since I was a little girl. My worst ones have been while sleeping in hotel rooms. It is that break in routine that does it for me, and an unfamiliar place, as well as exhaustion. I wish, wish, wish I could even convey the terror one feels when 'in a night terror' but it is impossible. I know her heart pounds like it is going to explode, and probably like me, she suffers the first part of the dream paralyzed with fear, before she is able to finally move/scream/cry. When I was a little girl, I'd try to stay awake as long as I could because I was terrified of the night terrors. I have finally decided it is nothing to be embarrassed about and I hope giving someone a glimpse into what it feels like will help them to understand what their child is feeling. As for how you and your family feel...my own daughter is afraid to sleep with me any more because the last night terror happened when her dad was out of town and she was in my bed. I scared her to death. I feel so, so, so terrible about it and even worse that the dreams have taken away our tradition of her and I sleeping together when dads away. So I know it is hard for big sis, too. Like I said..hugs your way.

  5. So sorry to hear you have had a rough few days. I am sending lots of hugs for you and Josie!

  6. Hugs to all of you... Katelyn has been a little off the past few days, but she's also been sick. Praying for you!

  7. Oh Kim...I am so sorry. I will pray for little Josie, and that God will give you wisdom to figure out what is going on.

  8. The poor little thing. How awful for everyone. I hope she gets back on track soon!

  9. Oh Kim! I'm so sorry for her and for your family. We just can't imagine what goes through our little ones' head and what kind of images they bring up and don't know how to deal with. I'll be praying for all you to regain some stability and joy and laughter that usually fills your home. God bless. ; )

  10. The Tongginator always struggles when we break routine. I'm so sorry that Josie is reliving those sleep issues again. It's never easy. (((hugs)))


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