January 8, 2010

Giveaway Time!!

After putting away all the Christmas decorations, the top of my hutch looked awfully bare. I know it's a bit early, but I really like my red Valentine’s Day decorations. As I was standing back looking at my Valentine tree, I decided it's that time again.

Time for another giveaway! I'll be randomly selecting 2 winners for a for a few valentine goodies. I put these little ruffled Valentine cuties together Friday night.

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post. I'll select two winners on Tuesday, January 12th at 9:00 pm eastern standard time to receive a couple of Valentine's along with a few extra surprises.

Speaking of cuties, doesn't Emma look adorable in her safety patrol belt?

We're so proud of her volunteerism. She's going to start volunteering at our local animal shelter soon too. She attended her first training session this week. We're so proud of our sixth grader.

Have a good weekend and stay warm, everyone. I'm hoping to sneak in some crafts (in between laundry this weekend).


  1. I can relate! I already have my Valentine's Day decorations out too! My house looked soooo bare after Christmas!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I love Valentine's Day! Funny, I've been itching to put out my Valentine decorations too! I would LOVE one of your creations to add to it :)
    Great job Emma! How cute does she look with her patrol vest?? VERY cute!! Miss you all so much!

  3. Way to go Emma!!! I always wanted to do that, but was too afraid I'd have to take all the animals home with me :)
    Love the V-Day decorations, I've got all my paper hearts, etc. ready to go.

  4. Love the safety belt.. Go Emma...
    KyLee loves voluntering she does all kinds of charity events. she is actually the president of the Key Club which only does charity events..
    Have a great weekend..

  5. Those are so cute! I love vintage Valentines.
    Emma looks fabulous in her safety belt. Jillian has wanted to be a safety forever--but here in MA, they have policemen who do that job. Can you believe it?!

  6. I can't believe that Emma is already a sixth grader. She strikes me as a fantastic young lady....enjoy the snow.
    Sherry Franklin

  7. Kim,
    Love your giveaways; count me in! Way to go Emma. . .You know that here in ET we are already (UT)Volunteers! Ha!Ha!

    All joking aside, what Emma is doing is wonderful. I can only hope that my children will catch the volunteer spirit to help others, especially those who can't speak for themselves.

    We are trying to say warm here with our below average temps. . .and overnight we received some of your wonderful "Lake effect" snow, about an inch.

    Yes my decor is up for CNY and V-day. . .It's just too depressing after Christmas not to do it!

    Have a restful and peaceful Sunday. . .
    Cindy W.

  8. What beautiful Valentine's decorations, Kim! Love your crafts!

  9. Well, you know if it involves Valentines you can always count me in.

  10. Hi Kim,
    Just catching up on your blog. Just in time for the give away. Talking about your Valentine's decorations cracks me up as it is my goal to have my Christmas trees down by Valentine's, as well as all the decorations. The girls look adorable in all your pictures. Keep up the good work!

  11. Kim, You amaze me! I don't know how you find the time to do all these things...Let's do lunch soon! Krista


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.