January 31, 2010

Hello Yellow!!

I'm trying my best to ignore the the chaos that is ALL OF MY HOUSE right now because of our multiple construction projects. However, my craft room is coming along nicely. Chris has been a painting mad man. I keep sticking furniture in front of him and he hasn't complained one single bit. That's love!!

Speaking of love, I'm in love with my yellow craft room.

Yellow makes me happy!

It is a comforting color.

It was one of my favorite bedroom colors growing up.

My new craft room has butter y~e~l~l~o~w walls and one apple green wall.

Here are a few other y~e~l~l~o~w accessories going in my craft room…

Miniature hand-painted house...made by my mom

Fern Bisel Peat print from Round the Mulberry Bush, 1933

Quilt wall-hanging made by my mom

Festive paper lanterns

Miniature doll dresser from Allegan Antique market

Doll dishes from Allegan Antique market

Owl teapot from my favorite local antique store in Grandville

Believe it or not, we're close to being done with the construction of my craft room. The ceiling drywall (which will patch up the holes from the new heat runs) will be finished Monday. Chris just needs to find the time to install wood flooring (darn those pesky full time jobs). Last but not least, my new counter top for my workspace is suppose to arrive on Friday!! Can you feel my excitement??


  1. you go girly..
    you are AMAZING..
    love the YELLOW..
    Can't wait to see it finished..
    have a great week..

  2. Hi, I've been meaning to tell you that I love all your craft ideas and especially the Chinese New Year ones ... I've done several of them with my girls! They're so fun! I took your idea of the Chinese themed tree too ... too FUN (had to share on my own blog)! Thanks for sharing ... ~Kimberly (mama to two Jiangsu princesses)

  3. BEAUTIFUL!! I love yellow also.
    Maybe you will have a snow day and Chris can finish the floors! I can't wait to see your first creation coming out of craft room :)

  4. Hi Kim,

    Love the quilt wall-hanger, your Mom did a beautiful job on it! Exquisite quilting, looks hand quilted. Love the yellow/green combo, very cheery. Most of all I love the baseball hat Chris is wearing! Being from the Boston area that makes me smile and let out a chuckle! Hope your flooring gets done very soon!


  5. Love that little green doll dresser, but your mom has AMAZING quilting skills!

  6. Can't wait to see it done!

    As of next Monday, we will be under construction, too with our upstairs bathroom. I hate the mess, but I just keep my thoughts on the finished product!

    I love all your treasures. . .My teapots are my favs that I have collected over the years. And anytime I see an owl real or otherwise, I think of you!

    We have to get Tori and Josie together sometime! Maybe we could meet half way one of these days.

    Many best construction wishes from your "partner in crime"

  7. Ohhhh, I love it! ;) How fun--and I can't wait to see it all done. I know you are going to have such a blast in that room!

  8. yellow and green - you'd love my house :-))'What kind of paint to you use for your furniture??

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Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.