January 2, 2010

A New Year - A Fresh Start!

As much as I hate Christmas break coming to an end (it's been soooo nice not setting an alarm clock, packing lunches, math homework, and working long hours at the start of a new semester at my University), we need routine again.

After putting away the holiday decorations, Chris and I have been going through the house with fresh eyes. We've decided to finish construction on the rest of the basement (which means moving Emma's bedroom, insulate/drywall a storage room, install floor heating, and create an area for a art studio (YEAH BABY). We're also going to look at changing the entrance off the garage to allow for a mudroom (I'm so tired of tripping over wet boots when we walk into the house).

I've had the itch to move after being in my parents new house over the last few weeks, but we really do like our neighbors and our wooded lot. Besides, where else can we find a subdivision that tolerates all of our crazy Halloween decorations??

For a mini-makeover, Chris is going to paint one of our walls in our living room tomorrow.

It's called Santa Fe Pottery and my parents have it in their sunroom and I LOVE IT. I can hardly wait!! Did I mention Chinese New Year and Valentines are coming up? I think a red wall will be perfect for upcoming holidays!!!

As this year begins, I would like to wish all my visitors 'old and new' a very Happy New Year! I look forward to continue sharing holiday craft projects, a few recipes, and our family’s adventures. Whether you're a "silent supporter" (much nicer than lurker, no?), an internet friend, or a family member, I know my world is a better place because you're all in it. Wishing you a crafty 2010! Healthy & happy too!


  1. Can't wait to see all the new things you are doing in your home..
    Love the color..
    and as always.. you have the cutest ideas and I can't wait to see all the new crafts..
    have a great week..
    Glad to have found you in bloggerville..

  2. You kill me! LOL! How DO YOU find the time????

    Can't wait to follow all the new "remodel"! Knowing you, it will be amazing!! LOL

    BTW, how far are you from The Debono's?

  3. We are in the same boat -- time to get back to the grind! We are starting to climb the walls.

    How exciting to get a mini makeover! I can't wait to see it. I am really itching to move too so I am constantly changing things!

  4. You have such great taste! I can't wait to see that beautiful color on the walls.

    An art studio.....wouldn't that be awesome?!? My goodness, I am excited for you :D

    Happy New Year to your family! I am looking forward to another year of following your super fun blog!

  5. Kim, I'm breaking my 'silence' to wish you and your family a very happy New Year!! I love your blog!


  6. It is good idea to begin New Year with fresh routines. I suggest using suntouch com's floor heating system fro Emma's bed room.

  7. Wow, Kim, lots of projects coming up!! Happy New Year to you!

  8. love the new color, what a great idea to just paint one side of the wall. my camera lens broke, it is in repair so no new pics in the next few weeks which I have been having total withdraws.....

  9. I appreciate your Christmas ideas. Your Christmas tree was so cute. Absolutely worthy to read your blog.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.