February 15, 2010

How we spent our CNY & Valentine's Day...

After attending church (aka wrestling match with Josie), we ate lunch, attempted to get Josie to take a nap, squeezed in 4 loads of laundry, and then hit the sledding hills. For any grandparents viewing this entry, you might want to avoid the last sledding picture. It actually looks worse than it was.


After all that sledding, Josie needed a little cuddle & warm-up time with Daddy.

We dined on Chinese take-out and special ice cream desserts. In my world, any chance to use paper umbrellas makes me happy!!

The girls ended their evening with a bit of beauty (aka hair extensions).

All in all, a great CNY & Valentine's Day!

PS. Josie's bi-annual cardiology appointment is Thursday. We're hoping that her valve looks as good as it needs to at this point. We know it will need to be replaced in the future, but I honestly don't have any worries. Her energy level definitely isn't lacking any since her open-heart surgery in April of 2008. I'm just hoping for a tear-free ultrasound and EKG!!


  1. Oh, poor Josie! What a face after the wipe out! Her cuddle time with Daddy looks like it took care of it! CNY is the best!!! Glad you had a great time!! :o)

  2. Looks like a GREAT day..
    love the photos. .
    will be thinking of you on thurs..

  3. I usually have the Sunday wrestling match with Logan during church, so I feel your pain. Looks like you had a great weekend. Enjoy the snow!

  4. Hi Kim,
    We were shocked that Chris got the day off, too! (But, in East Tennessee, we panic at the first snowflake!)

    Love the snow pics, except for Josie's wipe out. But, look at the benefit. . .Cuddle time with Dad! And the girls looked beautiful in their new locks!

    I have great news. . .Couldn't wait to tell you! Chris and I have been talking about making me a scrapbook/craft area on what we call our "landing." (It's our upstairs area outside the kids rooms and our almost new bathroom. Right now it's just wasted space.) Hopefully, that can be one of my summer projects, so I am going to get started on ideas for it ASAP. Please share any anything you have come across for a scrapbooking and crafting space.

    Have a great Tuesday! And I will be praying for Josie to have a calm and peaceful experience on Thursday.

    Many snowy hugs from Tennessee,
    PS--No school today either for J.J. and me! Yea!!!

  5. What fun sledding photos!! :) I love the photo of your CNY treats. :) As usual, you are so creative. Will be thinking of you on Thursday--and hope all is well. I miss our friends at U of M. :) They were so good to us.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.