March 16, 2010

Happy 2nd Forever Family Day!

Today, we're celebrating our 2 year Josie anniversary.

The second year has definitely been easier...

And we wouldn't change a single moment.

We love your enthusiasm for life, Josie. You are one special little girl. We are so blessed to have two amazing daughters.

This is my absolute favorite video of the girls during our last day in Guangzhou, China.


  1. Happy 2 years.. looks like an AMAZING 2 years.. I am a firm believer that the hard times only make you that much stronger..
    have a great week...

  2. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have fun celebrating today! You are one blessed mama!

  3. Was it two years ago I sat on pins and needles waiting for your blog? If I want to feel good I take a look at your gotcha video for a pick me up!! So glad you're all together where you belong. Congrats on this happy day to all of you.


  4. Happy second family day. Yours has been an amazing journey and oh how Josie has changed.Enjoy the week and have fun celebrating.

  5. Oh wow...what a change in sweet Josie. Love the scowls she was shooting at the camera in China. LOL. She is a beautiful, happy little girl who has weathered so much in such a short time. Happy Anniversary with your family, sweet Josie!!

  6. What a beautiful family you have. Both of your girls are beautiful and what a wonderful couple you are to adopt such a precious gift from God! She is adorable. Happy New Family Day!

  7. Wonderful pictures, wonderful memories!

    Loved the video, how cute were your girls two years ago?

    Happy 2nd Forever Family Day!!

  8. Happy Anniversary, Josie!!!!!!!

  9. Happy 2nd Josie Anniversary!!
    Love seeing the changes in both girls!
    Have a wonderful day :)

  10. Happy forever family day!! Enjoy your special day together!

  11. It hardly seems like two seems like I just followed you yesterday....I am so glad things have gotten better.....she is so precious!


  12. Happy Anniversary! What a journey it's been, and I'm so glad to "be part of it" in the virtual world. Someday, hopefully, we'll be able to meet in person.
    Your girls have grown so much, and I have never notices how long and slender Emma's fingers are!!!
    Lovely, lovely family!

  13. Happy two years together!
    Josie is absolutely beautiful :)

  14. Happy two years with Josie!

    Kim, you know how thankful I am I stumbled on your blog so long ago! Your blog has inspired me on deep levels and on fun levels too!!!

    Thanks for always being a ray of sunshine in bloggy land, even when going through surgery times!

    I have to agree with Stefanie--the word adorable could have Josie's pic by it in the dictionary! I hope her round face never changes!!! So glad she is doing so well. You can definitely see the transformation not only physically but emotionally in these photos!

    Love ya, Leslie

  15. Happy Family day. It is such a wonderful amazing thing to celebrate. I love the pictures and that video is way to cute. I love how Josie is looking at her big sis. So very sweet..

  16. Happy 2nd Forever Family! Look how much Josie has changed in two years! What a beautiful little girl and a blessed family! Have fun celebrating!

  17. AWESOME! HAPPY FOREVER FAMILY DAY!!! We just celebrated Brynn's 2-year adoptiversary on the 11th ~ I am a little behind on posting though. We were practically in China at the same time!!! :o)

  18. What a precious precious little girl! I love that little video too! Congratulations!


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