March 13, 2010

Papa's visit, very early crafting, and a give-away!

Chris's dad is staying with us this weekend and the girls are getting some quality Papa time.

We're looking forward to the day that Chris's mom is well enough to visit our house again. I haven't talked about Nana in a while, but if all goes well, she will be undergoing another heart operation on March 23rd at the University of Michigan hospital. We'll need extra prayers that week. I'll be sure to post reminders and updates as the date gets closer.

I was in my craft room at 6:45am putting together a few projects.

Call me crazy...but the whole house was still sleeping and it was so peaceful at that hour.

I picked up these cardboard containers from Michael's, painted them yellow, then used tacky glue to embellish them with vintage Easter images and silver trim. Just leave a comment in this entry and I'll draw a random winner on March 15th at 8pm (EST - Eastern Standard Time) for this cute bunny container. I'll even fill it with some yummy Easter candy.

My chalk paint project requires 24 hours of dry time. Stay tuned for more.

Happy Crafting!! Happy Saturday!!

PS. March 16th is our 2 year Josie anniversary.

These 2 years have just flown by.


  1. Crafting in peace and quiet...doesn't get much better than that! :) Happy 2 year anniversary!!! It does fly by, doesn't it? They grow up way too fast.

  2. It was so nice to see Josie and Emma have a very good giggle time with Papa I;m sure Lenord needed it too. Your boxes are so cute. and we already had gotcha day on the calender. Kim 6:45 we are sleeping our best but can understand that it is so peaceful at that hour. the Aunties

  3. Wow! you've had a big weekend! Glad that the girls are enjoying Papa. We'll be praying for Nana!

    I am wildly curious about that next project...

    It seems like yesterday when we were waiting to bring our girls home. Precious Josie has been such a blessing to us all!!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.