March 21, 2010

Prayer request...

We spent Sunday driving across the state and back home again to visit Chris's Mom at the University of Michigan hospital.

Her surgery is scheduled for 7am on Tuesday. I'm calling on all my prayer warriors. Her valve replacement surgery is a multiple hour surgery. It's complicated and she's been in and out of the hospital and a rehabilitation center since November. She's not a strong woman anymore, but she's tough. The doctors aren't hiding the risk factors from our family and we're all a little scared. We were told this morning that if all goes well, she will be at the University of Michigan Hospital for around a week and then she will go to a rehabilitation center for additional recovery time.

Please pray for a successful surgery and recovery. We also ask for for peace of mind for Nana and my husband's immediate/extended family. Despite our fears, we have the utmost faith and confidence in the medical staff at the University of Michigan hospital.

We love you, Nana.


  1. Sweet Nana... we continue to pray for you! God is on the throne!
    Big hugs to all of the Kenwards from the Browns

  2. May the Prince of Peace Himself give you peace, give Nana peace, and your family peace, for He give the peace that passes understanding.

    We'll be praying!

  3. Kim, please let your MIL and the family know that many people will be praying her through this surgery and will be asking for wisdom for the doctors and medical staff who will come in contact with her, as well as a sense of peace for all who wait for good news from the surgeon.

  4. Prayers are being sent your way!

  5. Hoping and praying for a successful surgery and sending lots of get well wishes from Nebraska.

    Cute pictures and poster!

  6. Praying along with you all-The Marshes

  7. I'll keep your MIL and your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. She's in good hands.

  8. We must have just missed you at the hospital Sunday. Nana enjoyed your visit. I'll be extended the prayer chain, as well!
    Love You! - Karen

  9. All the best sent to the Kenwards from the Franklins.

  10. Praying for all of you. May God give your family peace and comfort as Nana prepares for surgery and recovery.

  11. Kim,
    You know you can count on me. May God surround your family with the sanctuary of peace and provide healing hands to the doctors in the operating room and those that will care for her afterwards. Please tell Nana that your blog fan base is rooting for her and praying for her healing. God is in control!
    Much love from the Whaley family,

  12. Hey, thanks for putting a new pic of Emma up. She's my new background at work! She's so beautiful! I missed her on Sunday. Hi Princess!

    Aunt Shelly

  13. Thinking of Nana and the Kenwards this morning...

  14. Praying for sweet Nana and for all of you as you anxiously wait for the surgery to be completed. Praying God's peace for all of you and that Nana will come through the surgery with flying colors. Like you, I have the utmost respect for the surgeons at U of M.


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