April 30, 2010

Spring has sprung...

How pretty our yard looks at this time of year!

It has been a long time coming...but finally little buds, shoots and leaves are springing up everywhere!

With all this beauty, I might even wear my spring rainboots to work in the flower beds more often (who am I kidding). I can't take any credit for our plantings. It's all him. Every part of our yard.

Thank you for making it so pretty, Chris.


  1. Hooray for spring! Your yard looks fabulous! My hubby gets all of the credit too! I don't even know how to start a lawnmower!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I love your yard!!!! Ohhh, I am sooo not a gardener!! J and J and I planted flowers yesterday - and we picked out the bag of soil - because the girls liked the yellow bag it came it! :)
    We did have fun though - and hopefully the plants they picked out will grow! :)

  3. Yeah for spring!!!! Love all your beautiful flowers....I love watching my plants and flowers come alive.

  4. Very PRETTY..
    love it..
    Have a great weekend...

  5. Amazing photos! Wow! your lawn is so beautiful!

  6. Beautiful flower pictures. After the long cold winter, I am really rejoicing in all the beauty of spring. I hope to start planting my flowers next week.

  7. Beautiful!! I love seeing what Chris is doing in the yard. :) I wish I had his expertise with ours. We are moving into a new house and right now, we have dirt. Lovely.


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