April 27, 2010

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Emma had her final band concert this evening at the High School Auditorium.

We're so proud of her flute playing and her dedication to getting up very early to attend band practice before her elementary school starts.

I don't know many kids who get up early and ride the bus to junior high at 6:40am without grumbling. She's certainly had good practice for what her morning schedule is going to be like next year when she's at junior high everyday. She's even asked if she can have private lessons this summer to keep up with her flute playing.

Way to go, sweetheart!!


  1. 6:40 AM is disturbing -- that's crazy early!!

  2. Way to go Emma. Love her dedication!

  3. Great job EMMA...
    Love the photos..
    Looks like a great evening.

  4. Way to go Emma!!! She is so dedicated!!!! : ) and she is adorable!!!

  5. That is so cool! What a neat program! Kenzie began taking voice summer of her 6th grade year and has taken it all year since then - the private lessons really help them build confidence and knowledge! Hope you can find a good private instructor!

    She is beautiful and talented!!! :)

  6. Thanks for sharing Emma (and Josie) via blog. It's a wonderful thing to see them flourish and grow. Sherry

  7. That is GREAT! Good job, Emma!
    Love, Barb

  8. Hey Kim! Thanks for the note on our blog -- did you see the blue shelf at Allegan? And thanks for coming in the rain!! Nice post, btw. My son's in band, too. xo

  9. awww...I love that shot of her looking at you during the concert. Way to go, Emma!! I agree with Mark...6:40AM IS disturbing..LOL.

  10. Wow! What a dedicated little gal! Flutes are my favorite! Great video!

  11. I could Sooo pick out her flute. It's a talent, but I did! lol Love You Princess. Way to go! Keep up the work!

    Aunt Shelly


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