May 5, 2010

Bon anniversaire!!

*I really need to take a minute to thank all of you that commented and emailed me about my last post. Finishing the book, Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother: Stories of Loss and Love was a life-changing experience. Blogging about it, helped to get it off my chest and out in the open.

Now, onto more uplifting thoughts!! Can you believe it? Emma is turning 12!!

We won't be doing a big girlfriend party this year. Instead we're keeping it small. She's asked for a Parisian themed birthday for our intimate gathering.

We'll be celebrating on May 15th. You know me. Any excuse to put together party decorations and I'm all over it!! I've found some wonderful vintage French images from one of my favorite clip art sites (Graphics Fairy) and can't wait to decorate with them.

Aside from French non-alcoholic berry bubbly, I'm thinking Emma needs to try some caviar and liver pate (even if it's for the ewwww factor). We'll also have croissants with chocolate/nut spread and various French cheeses. My mother is making an Eiffel Tower birthday cake. Got other suggestions on fun French foods??


  1. Happy Birthday!! What a cool idea for a birthday cake. I can't wait to see pictures of it! Hope you have a wonderful day of celebration. Sorry I'm no help with food ideas. :)

  2. What a fun birthday theme, I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  3. Happy Birthday, Emma! Can't wait to see party pictures!

  4. Sounds like a fun birthday! Emma is blessed to have such a creative mom! I can't wait to see pics!

  5. Yay for birthdays!! What a fun theme.... I know you will have a ball with this one Kim! I'll be thinking about the food, but I doubt I can come up with anything that you haven't already thought up first :)

  6. Happy almost-birthday Emma!!

    Let's see....french food...I'll go with something Brett and Lili would pick that's "French": How about French fries and French toast?? Oui, we love our haute cuisine around here, can't you tell? :)

  7. Fill croissants with chocolate and melt them (in France they bake them like that, but I think must melting them would work) in the microwave. Baguettes. The smell of lavendar. Sunflowers. Street cafe's.
    Ahhhhh, I want to go back!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.