May 29, 2010

How we celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary...

Today is our 18th wedding anniversary and Chris and I are looking forward to spending some alone time on our deck after the girls are in bed. We sat in the same church that we were married in this evening for 5pm mass (actually Chris stayed home with Josie because her asthma is acting up) and I couldn't help but think of how quickly these 18 years have passed.

We didn't exchange gifts, cards, or go even go out to dinner alone at a fancy restaurant. But we did spend the ENTIRE day together as a family.

Happy 18th Chris!


Someday (maybe our 20th) we WILL figure out a way to have a romantic get-away without the girls. I promise.

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend with your families. Tomorrow (Sunday), I'm heading to the Allegan Antique market with my mom and sister. This month, I'm leaving my rain boots at home. The weather is 100% perfect! Bring on the treasures!!!


  1. My you are a busy woman; birthdays, anniversary, etc.! We celebrated with friends today (their 25th anniversay) as they renewed their vows. Happy 18th Anniversary and wishing you many more to come.

  2. Happy 18th Anniversary..
    Sounds like a great day..
    Have fun tomorrow.. can't wait to see what you bring home..

  3. You celebrated your anniversary in a fine fashion. Important to keep things in perspective!
    Enjoy your day at the Allegan antique fair...can't wait to read of your adventures with your Mom and sister!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I hope you find many treasures tomorrow!

  5. Happy Anniversary!! I hope you had a nice evening.
    Can't wait to see your treasures from the antique market :)

  6. Happy Anniversary! It will be number 17 for Chris and me in a couple of weeks. Hope you were able to have your quiet moments out on your beautiful deck!

    I started my own flashback when you were talking about your grandparents and their flowers. My grandpa (Dad's dad) always grew beautiful flowers and would always bring bunches to my mom and later me after Chris and I were married. I miss that, but I miss him even more!

    Can't wait to see your treasures from today's hunt!

    Many sandy hugs from the beach,

  7. Happy Anniversary Kim and Chris! Can't believe it has been 18 years! Love to you both.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.