May 21, 2010

I haven't talked about Nana in a long time...

I haven't shared any updates on Chris's mom in a long time (partly because the story hadn't changed...she's been in and out of the University of Michigan hospital as well as several different rehabilitation centers the last six months) but I feel the need to call upon my prayer warriors again.

She's back at UofM and there is a very real chance that her heart valve repair surgery didn't work. The entire family is discouraged. Her body has been through so much these last few weeks...including a recent MRSA infection. She continues to fight every set back, but this is really taking a toll on everyone's spirits.

We're hoping that today's tests at UofM provide some positive information. The idea of the valve surgery being unsuccessful isn't something the family would like to consider. Please pray for our Nana.


  1. I've been wondering how Nana is doing, thank you for sharing!
    I'll be praying along side of y'all!

  2. Praying for your Nana. So sorry she is struggling so much. :(

    Oh and happy birthday to you!!


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