June 3, 2010

Cottage countdown!!!

I've got summer vacation on the brain after my 4 day weekend. Boy, I want a K-12 summer work schedule...sigh. These photos were taken over the first part of the Memorial weekend when the temps and sun were plentiful and the girls were able to enjoy our little above-ground pool.

I've been looking at these beach photos taken last June when we were at our rental cottage. Our annual Lake MI cottage rental is a little less than 3 weeks away!! The lake is going to be chilly, but I don't care.

This will be our 7th year at the cottage. It doesn't have cell phone coverage or internet access. Just lots of sand, lake water and great family memories. Even though Chris and Emma still have ONE more more week left of school, I've decided to give my blog a summer face-lift. Any other mommies ready to retire those school lunch boxes for the season? What fun summer plans do you have?


  1. Adorable cottage pictures! I bet you can't wait to get back there!

    I am definitely ready for a break from the crazy carpool scene. Bring on the fun and sun!

  2. I'm back! Did you see this Paris party:


  3. Holy cow am I ready to retire the lunch boxes -- HECK YEAH! Only 3 more days...

    I am totally ready for summer and life at the lake. Cannot.Wait!

    I do hope, however, that we can get together some time this summer for some playtime...or maybe a trip to the zoo.

  4. LOVE IT.
    3 weeks today and we are off to the beach also.
    YEA. .
    Soooo love it.
    OMW .. my word verification is "SANDS".. oh yea...

  5. I remember those days when the kids were young and I was teaching-and counting the days until summer vacation. How fast time flies!
    Cherish these days as you look forward to vacation at the lake!

  6. Oooo ... looks so fun!!!
    LOVE what you've done with the blog (change for summer)! You must know photoshop way better than I do ... :) Looks great!

  7. I love your blog face lift! Been thinking I need to spend a bit of time on my blog too - but instead, we're off to the pool! :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.