July 13, 2010

Harry Potter World

Despite the heat, the crowds and the massive lines, Harry Potter World was simply magical. The attention to detail was impressive.

A few pointers after spending a day sweating with the crowds...

1. Be prepared for long lines and huge volumes of people - even for entering the shops.
2. If you have children under the height restrictions for the Forbidden Journey (Hogwart's castle), don't let it deter you from standing in line. So much of the ride is the walk-through and those members of the family that don't meet the height restrictions, can exit right before the ride begins.
3. Shade is limited in Harry Potter World, so be prepared to sweat (which is why you aren't seeing me in any pictures).
4. Bring your own bottled water and fan sprayer. The cost for bottled water is ridiculous.
5. Speaking of beverages, the lines for Butterbeer are LOOOOOOONG, but it's worth the wait. Emma thinks it tastes like butterscotch candy. Yummy!
6. Ollivander's is very small and extremely pricey (most wands are $28.95 a piece). But that being said, we came home with several wands.
7. Make sure if you get postcards, you get them postmarked right outside of Ollivander's with the official Hogwart's return address (very cool).
8. Visit Harry Potter World off-season (we both were saying that September or October might be lovely). It's popularity is wonderful, but that also brings massive crowds and long lines.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from today. We literally took 100s of pictures. Chris also shot a ton of video in preparation for Halloween decorating ideas.


  1. It looks like you had a fabulous time! Great pictures!

  2. Looks like you had fun despite the heat. :)

  3. Wow! I bet it was hard to lure Chris and Emma away from there! Jonathan hasn't discovered Harry's wonderful world, yet. But, I know that it is coming soon!

    Continue having a great time! Be safe!

  4. You must be the most Harry Potter "dedicated" family I know out there :-)
    Enjoy your trip!

  5. LOVE the photos.
    you guys are AMAZING.
    Love it.

  6. Again....AWESOME!! The tips are perfect!

  7. I hope one day to experience Harry Potter World. Your pictures make it look even more magical!

  8. Oh I am so jealous... I hope to go in the next year, we go to Disney every few years and might need to take a side trip. What I want most is a wand to choose me. I am obsessed with it actually : ) Let the magic live!!!!!

  9. wow that really is magical! I know it must be wonderful for you to be that hot, wait in long lines and still get great of smiles from everyone!

  10. I had to laugh when I saw how happy Chris was at Harry Potter World. Then all my work colleagues came over to see, and we all agreed that although everyone was having a great time, Chris was really the happiest kid of all!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.