July 29, 2010

I'm driving my 12 year old nuts!!

Emma can't quite understand why I continue to decorate my Christmas tree and it's nearly August. So far this year it's been a Chinese New Year Tree, an Easter Tree, a Paris-themed birthday Tree, 4th of July Tree and now my sunflower/summer tree.

As her mom, I am taking great pleasure in driving her nuts.

I realize it's nearly August but I keep finding new things (thanks Michael's...I love your 40% weekly coupons) to put on my tree!! I was serious when I said we didn't have room for it since we completed the downstairs renovation and eliminated our storage. Just wait until Halloween. This tree is going to be filled!!!


  1. Too funny! I like to drive my older kids a little nuts. It's such great payback. haha I like your tree--I think it's fun! :) And since you live near the North Woods, it's just FINE to have that tree up all year.

  2. Jorja says, "you drive MY nuts!" tee!hee! Love your tree! love the sunflowers!!

  3. That is soooo funny! I love your tree and I can't wait to see it when Halloween rolls around.

    Speaking of Halloween, what do you think about this costume:


    You better believe I am already shopping for a costume!

  4. I love it! My grandma has a small tree that she keeps up year round and changes the decorations. I am sure the Halloween tree will be awesome.

  5. Love the new decorations!
    I have a collection of small birdhouses that are on my tree right now. Always fun to find new things for the tree in between holidays.

  6. So cute! You are funny! Maybe if I start now, my tree will look halfway decent by Christmas!

    Hope you have a great weekend!


  7. I think I'm going to have to consider doing the same. I always hate putting up the last tree. We have a small one in the dining room that I hang onto...as it is covered in snow men....then I can make it CNY...and I'm going to ponder that for next year. Hehehhe

    I love SUNFLOWERS..
    Keep going girly..

  9. How about a 'back to school tree' filled with school supplies.
    That should REALLY drive her nuts!! :)


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