September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend. Fall is definitely in the air with our mild temperatures and the official start to school on Tuesday.

Friday afternoon I left work early, and we visited Emma's junior high in preparation for her big day. I can't believe how BIG her junior high is. Shhhhh...don't tell her that. I'm so proud of how well she's handling the idea of going to a new school.

I have had a splendid 24 hours crafting and dreaming up some more Halloween ideas to share. While Emma has been soaking up time with her best friend, Penny and Josie joined me in some crafting fun.

I managed to sneak over to Michael's and my favorite thrift store (a pictorial store tour and my latest projects will follow later this week. I'll just say that Michael's has a new Peanuts line this year and I'm really excited.

We're still taking advantage of our fresh vegetables and we made homemade pizza with ingredients from our garden.

The tree house roof is coming together...despite the horrible height and extra long ladders needed to reach the top. I seriously avoid looking outside when Chris is on the ladder. It freaks me out to watch him and our neighbor draped across the ladder and roof. Yikes!!

This cool fall weather certainly puts me in the mood to decorate inside and out!!

Hope you're having a happy Labor Day weekend!

PS. Don't forget about the wonderful fundraiser going on at Karin's blog for Morning Star Orphanage. They are close to their goal of selling handmade doll blankets/pillows to raise funds for baby Joy's corrective heart surgery.


  1. Love all the photos..
    Sounds like you are having a great weekend..
    Love ya..
    Can't wait to see your great crafts..
    I finally got a photo in my frame..
    I will be posting soon.
    Sorry I am

  2. Hooray for fall! We are enjoying the nice weather too and it gets me in the mood to decorate! How many more days until we can put out the pumpkins?!

    Enjoy your long weekend!

  3. Happy Labor Day Week-end to you!!! We are really enjoying this weather! So glad Joise is enjoying pre-school. Hope Emma has a great day on Tuesday! The tree house looks great and I love your new hair cut!

  4. Looking forward to seeing you wear your latest Halloween necklace. *grin*

  5. You have so much going on in your world!! it is crazy! and FUN.
    Loving all of the pictures. The tree house is really coming along nicely.
    My goodness Emma looks so grown...and going to middle school. geeze.
    Josie's hair has grown so much. She is looking like a big girl :(
    I am missing your family so much right now. Still hoping that you can sneak a trip to Orlando for a Halloween party with the Browns!!
    Hope you have a fun and relaxed Labor Day.
    Love you all~

  6. Sounds like a great weekend full of everything you love (minus your husband on that crazy ladder). I am hoping to bust out the fall decorations next weekend. Have a great week!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.