September 22, 2010

Happy Mid Autumn Moon Festival!

Josie brought sugar cookies and mini battery operated lanterns to preschool today.

The cookies were a huge hit. Next year I think I'm going to order a moon cake mold from Pearl River and use short bread cookie dough.

We went out to dinner this evening with a colleague from Chris's school. The kids had a ball together. I'm sure you aren't surprised to read that Emma and Josie are insisting that they need a baby brother now.

Wishing you a fun filled time with family and friends!


  1. What a fun night. Josie looks so proud with her goodies, I am sure she loved sharing treats with her friends at school.

  2. Hi Kim! Thanks for all the autumn moon info. This newby needs it. Just watched the video. Need to get to a book store. This is our first real autumn moon festival with Lian. Last year we came back from China the night or two before our local celebration. Needless to say, we did not make it. This year we are going to a local campground/park with beach access for a picnic dinner with local FCC group. Think they will have arts and crafts for kids too. Will give you an update.

  3. Happy Moon Festival to you too! Thank you for the beautiful necklace! Love it! Jailyn opened it and said, "ohhhh momma this is beautiful - it looks Chinese!" pause... "I will put it away for you, this is very special - you need to wear this for Chinese New Year." She is sooo right - it is very special! Thank you so much!

    and yes, I must agree I think your girls do need a little brother - have you seen Ben on my blog- perfect!!!! (He was on HOLD, but is not any longer :(
    check him out at

  4. Glad you had a nice celebration! Cute pictures! I can totally see a little brother in the mix with your beautiful girls... hehe!

  5. Hi sweetie!! I recently won the Versatile Blogger award and really wanted to pass it on to your lovely self :0) You can get the button from my blog, upload it and if you'd like post an entry similar to mine. I really do adore your blog! Michelle

  6. Happy moon festival! This is too cute! I am very inspired after seeing your post to do that Chinese themed party--I sure hope time will be on my side!

  7. HOW FUN..
    love the photos.
    Sounds like you had a great time.
    I am still around.. very busy..
    Love ya

  8. What a fun celebration! Cute pictures! I am with the girls -- I think a baby brother is in order!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.