September 13, 2010

Mid Autumn/Moon Festival Give-Away!

Before I get to my Mid Autumn/Moon Festival give-away, I wanted to remind everyone that Karin's girls from "Our Treasurers from Afar" still have all kinds of doll pillow/blanket sets available for their Morning Start Orphanage fundraiser. We've certainly been enjoying our special pillows/blankets at our house.

See this post for more information and fabric selections.

Now onto my give-away....

Michaels has all kinds of nifty Asian charms and I just couldn't resist putting together a couple of necklaces for me and one for YOU!!

For all my adoptive mommies, this red lantern charm necklace is a fun little bauble you can wear at the upcoming Mid Autumn/Moon Festival on September 22nd, or Chinese New Year, or during Lantern Festival...or whenever you feel like it. Just leave a comment on this post and I'll randomly draw a winner on (September 16th at 8pm EST). Good luck!


  1. I came running over here in hopes of hearing words of a get together. Keep us in the loop if you plan anything please :)
    Darling necklaces!

  2. I really like your crafting ideas! With 2 young children from China, it's so interesting to sneak & peek here to find some inspiration. I just need some more time to come to action ;-) My mum loved the tea bags I made with my daughter with pictures of the grandchildren.
    Lovely necklaces! will look around if I can find them here in Belgium somewhere.

  3. Your necklaces turned out sooo cute!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Count me in!

    Looks like the Kenward crew had a great weekend, too! (I loved the pic with the three of you holding hands. Just too precious!) You all deserved it with a 5:30 alarm this week. . .Hang in there!

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

  5. So cute!! And you are such a giving person!!! I need to go purchase baby blankets for the girls for Christmas - how sweet!!

  6. Wish I was near you to come to your great party.. you always have fun things..
    Love the necklace. Like always .... you are AMAZING..
    Love the little dolls.. and pillow and blanket sets.

  7. those!! :)) My girls are going to LOVE seeing the pics of your girls playing with the doll blanket sets!! It's sooo fun to see them on your blog! Thank you!! :)

  8. Love the necklaces, and that they are for the moms. Yay! Love the tree house pics. Incredible addition to the house.

  9. love the crafts you come up with have to get into gear on my holiday stuff:) we will have to get together soon.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.