October 10, 2010

Did you have a good weekend?

What a beautiful weekend.
Our MI fall leaves are at their peak right now.

We had loads of sun and warm temperatures this weekend. The girls and I spent lots of girl time playing outside, shopping, attending a free showing of "Despicable Me" at our local movie theater, and crafting.

Chris was busy working on the tree house

and pulling out Halloween tubs from the attic...

...so that we could start doing things like this.

I also baked Apple Crisp. So yummy.

I haven't posted any recipes in awhile. Enjoy!

4 medium tart cooking apples, sliced (4 cups)
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup quick-cooking or old-fashioned oats
1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
whipped cream or ice cream, if desired

1. Heat oven to 375ºF. Grease bottom and sides of 8-inch square pan with shortening.
2. Spread apples in pan. In medium bowl, stir remaining ingredients except cream until well mixed; sprinkle over apples.
3. Bake about 30 minutes or until topping is golden brown and apples are tender when pierced with a fork. Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream.

By the way, if you get to a Target in the near future, they have orange soap dispensers on clearance.

With a little electrical tape and some ribbon, you can turn it into a pumpkin.

Hey, doesn't every bathroom needs a little Halloween cheer?
Have a wonderful week ahead!

Be sure to click HERE to visit my Halloween give-away post where you can leave a comment to be entered. Drawing takes place October 14th.


  1. It was an amazing weekend!
    You guys are definately Halloween fanatics~so many tubs. I hope Chris takes time to enjoy himself!
    Hope this week continues to be great. Enjoy!

  2. You are amazing..
    If I saw a orange soap dispenser I would just think.. who wants orange.. but no.. you make it all cute...
    I sure would love some of that apple crisp...yummy
    Love ya..

  3. It has been a nice relaxing weekend around here, which is always nice. The leaves are just starting to turn here, so I am thinking next weekend will be our peak. Enjoy your week.

  4. We were in the same boat this weekend. Our weather was perfect and the trees are beautiful too.

    It looks like you had a great weekend! Love the pumpkin dispenser!

  5. LOVE your darling little soap dispenser and I am DROOLING over your fall foliage!!! NOTHING even remotely like that her in North Texas. : ( Enjoy!!!

  6. Only YOU would think of doing that to soap dispensers! :) Very clever. :) Your weekend sounded wonderful. We have had beautiful weather this weekend, too.

  7. love how you turn an ordinary dull looking soap dispenser into such a cute Halloween theme pumpkin soap dispenser

  8. We had awesome weather in TN, too! Our trees are just beginning to show their beautiful fall colors. We should hit our peak in about a week or a little more.

    Did you like the movie? That was one of our favorite 2010 summer movies. The kids are already asking when it is coming out on DVD...I think I have heard in December.

    Glad you and the girls had such a fun weekend. Even though it was work, I am sure Chris had a good time working on that great treehouse.

    Lots of fall hugs,

    Yes, I am way behind with my posting! I am hoping to get my long, overdue post up sometime this week. . .

  9. Ooo, I am SO going to make your apple crisp!!! YUM! Looks so delicious! Thanks! :o)

  10. What a fantastic soap pump!!!! I hope target has some left... I think every kid's bathroom needs some pumpkin lovin! Your Halloween decorations look amazing! And that apple dish...oh my!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.