October 13, 2010

The giveaway winner & a few ghastly friends!!!

Tonight was the BIG night.

Congrats to Sherry for winning my Halloween give-away!

I happen to know your postal address, Sherry. I'll be getting your Halloween goodies into the mail soon. Even though Emma selected the winning entry, Josie also insisted posing for a picture.

I will be having another smaller Halloween give-away real soon! Stay tuned blogging friends! I'll be posting about it Saturday morning. Speaking of friends, would you like to meet a few of our ghastly friends? My husband is equally creative when it comes to Halloween decorating. Most of his creations are on display outside in the front yard or front porch. I tend to keep the cute tamer stuff is in the house where the party festivities take place.

Here are a few of his favorite items.

Frank and Drac are made out of lumber, Halloween masks, lots of newspapers and old clothing.

Several years ago, he created these floating ghosts for our yard.

They are made of wooden stakes, plastic light covers, clear white Christmas lights and cheap bedsheets. Cool huh?

World Market sold those larger-than-life spiders last year.
We scooped them the day after Halloween on clearance.

Our house literally changes every single night as new decorations are added. Anyone want to contribute to our electric bill? hee hee.


  1. Spooky! Makes me want to do more outside!
    So busy with the miniature show I don't have time for Halloween...but am sure to find some miniature Halloween goodies tomorrow!
    Keep having fun!

  2. I love all of your Halloween friends! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I love the skeletons climbing the siding! How does he have them attached? (We have vinyl siding for the first time and I have no clue how to attach anything to it. Ugh.)

  4. Dear Emma and Josie,
    Thank you soooo much for choosing my entry to win the Halloween drawing. How exciting!!

    Every time I look at the fun decorations I'll think of your mom, but I'll also think about your beautiful faces holding my winning drawing in the pictures on your Mom's blog.

    Happy Halloween!

    Sherry Franklin

  5. Love your spooky friends. . .Makes me want to come to your party even more! Chris has promised that one of these years we will pack up and come to the famous Kenward Halloween Bash.

    Hey, can you go ahead and put me in for your next drawing here? I am sure we will be out of town for the next. I can never pass up a chance to get a Kim K creation!
    Many hugs,

  6. I am SOOOOO jealous of your outside decorations! It makes me want to send Josh outside right now! Maybe next year...


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.