October 28, 2010

Vintage Halloween Blog Party

I’m linking up to the Vintage Halloween Blog Party today at Anything Goes Here and I'm also giving a shout-out to one of my favorite crafting blogs... Life in Rehab.

To my regular followers, some of the pictures might look familiar, but I'm hoping for a few new guests.


I have a Christmas tree in my sunroom that is now a permanent fixture (much to the angst of my 12 year old). Each holiday it gets a make-over. Right now, it's sporting all sorts of fancy owls, old floral picks, and vintage paper cutouts that I've turned into ornaments with vintage bingo cards that I picked up from a favorite antique store.

A large die cut black cat sits on my sunroom shelf . She's a little worn, but she fits rather nicely with my black cat collection.

If I had a signature crafting piece, it would be my decorative vintage bingo cards. I love making them. This year, I took shredded tissue paper, vintage cutouts and cupcake picks to craft these bingo ornaments for my tree.

I picked up this casper board game for $2. I just love the graphics.

Every time I head to the Allegan Antique market I look for older items that I can repurpose for Halloween. These old dolls (including one storybook doll) were in very sad shape and so I decided to give them a little witchy makeover.

I managed to find this 1912 book at my favorite local antique store.

Check out a few of their Halloween games.

I'd love to own more vintage Halloween items. Cost usually gets in the way, but I'm always on the hunt at a few of my favorite mission thrift stores. If you scan through my blog, you'll see my house is FULL of all kinds of Halloween...this our favorite holiday of the entire year. Saturday is our 19th annual party. Our party turned kid-friendly after our daughter's adoption from China 2.5 years ago and we're looking forward to another full house of kiddos in their costumes Saturday night.

If you love vintage Halloween, be sure to check out Anything Goes Here. If you love crafting, be sure to also check out Life in Rehab. Her tutorials are easy peasy. Pinky swear.

Happy soon-to-be Halloween!
Get ready for lots of party pictures!


  1. Have a great weekend. I am sure your party will be so much fun. I can't wait to see all the pictures.

  2. I think your tree looks great, and the BINGO cards are perfection... really nice! Have a great party!

  3. What a cute idea to have a tree to decorate for all the holidays - what fun!

  4. Great collections! I love your tree and your Halloween graphic! Happy Halloween Weekend:@)

  5. I love that you keep your tree up year round now :0) Cant wait to see all the pictures from your Halloween bash! Ours is this weekend too...only MUCH smaller than yours. We just dont know that many people lol

  6. Oh my gosh your decorations awesome! That book is too funny but my favourite is your caped crow!! My crows are now feeling a bit bare. Must get busy. Thanks for the great inspiration! :)

  7. Hi Kim, I like all your vignettes they are cool! You did a great job decorating. Thanks for stopping by.....Julian

  8. Have a great Halloweekend! Can't wait to read all about your party! You guys rock Halloween at your house!

  9. If I had space for it, I would have a tree up year-round too! I love how yours looks, and all of your other decorations too. The Casper game is such a cute idea!
    Happy Halloween!

  10. Well thank you for the shout out, and your whole property is just A-MAZE-ING.

  11. Wow what different and cool halloween decorations! Love the sunroom and the tree! Happy Halloween! Donna...the 3rd sister

  12. Hi. Thanks for visiting my vintage Halloween. Looks like you have some vintage black cats too!
    ~ Julie

  13. Love all your Halloween stuff. Especially the mantel full of stuff...really incredible. Come by and see how I decorated. I've been doing Halloween all month at

  14. I am so happy that you joined the Vintage Halloween Party. You have a very interesting and diverse Halloween decorating style. I loved my visit! Joan@anythinggoeshere... your party hostess

  15. Hi! I just found your blog today while I was searching for vintage halloween goodies. I love your site! I immediately sensed that we had some hobbies in common with your intense love for halloween and all things crafty. Then I was thrilled to see that you have adopted. My husband and I are originally from Florida, but we live in Japan now and our son is Japanese:) I'm excited to start "following" your blog! I love all your Halloween posts, new and old:) Do you happen to have an instagram account?
    ~ Taren


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.