February 28, 2011

Thinking spring...

Chris bought me this bunch of tulips when he picked up a bouquet of roses for Emma’s weekend theater performances.

Even though winter is still going strong, my dining room table is filled with a bit of spring.

Happy Monday!
We're visiting Josie's cardiologist later this afternoon.

Fingers crossed for a good appointment!


  1. tulips are my favorite flower!

    And, good luck with the cardiologist appointment today.


  2. Love the spring flowers! Let's hope spring is just around the corner...
    Crossing my fingers that Josie's appointment will go well!

  3. Love your tulips!

    Hoping and praying for a good appointment today!

  4. what a sweet guy!!!
    praying for a good report for Josie! Let us know ASAP! We'll want to celebrate with you. :)

  5. Hi Kim,
    We are back from our quick trip to Memphis, and yesterday was spent recouping! Had a lovely visit with my friend, through.

    Please tell Emma that I so proud of her. She looked great in her costume...and those flowers were so lovely for both of you! Aren't we blessed to have such thoughtful husbands.

    Hope Josie's appointment goes well...I can't imagine that it wouldn't with that cute bundle of energy! Congrats on Kindergarten...We will be doing that with Tori next Spring...(Sniff, sniff)

    Can't wait to show you my little craft I am working on...If you like it, I am sending you one, too!

    Much love,

  6. Beautiful tulips...what a nice addition to your day.(-:

  7. Hope all went well with the cardiologist today. :) LOVE tulips! I picked some up at Walmart on Valentines day and they brightened up the kitchen for almost 2 weeks!

  8. Good luck at your appointment...it is always trying as a mom to go through those. Congratulations to Emma what a fantastic weekend. Please tell Spring to hurry up, because your schedule isn't already packed...Smiles...Renee

  9. LOVE the tulips..
    Soooo pretty..

  10. I hope the appointment goes well. Your tulips are lovely and just scream spring.
    PS I bet Josie loves her stick horse!!!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.