March 29, 2011

Crafting with Bingo Cards...

When I first met my mother-in-law (nearly 23 years ago), playing bingo was a regular activity and she was wicked amazing. She could play multiple cards at once without skipping a beat.

I never quite caught-on, but I now collect vintage bingo cards so that I can make seasonal ornaments and lamp shade decorations.

This coming weekend we will be traveling across the state to visit my MIL in a rehabilitation center and to celebrate her 70th birthday. On top of all her ongoing health issues, she suffered a stroke a few weeks ago. She also has a pretty serious surgery looming on the horizon once she's been given clearance.

I can't help but think of her when I play with my bingo cards.

Easter image from Miss Rhea's Sweet & Shabby Roses

Happy soon-to-be birthday, Nana.
We love you very much.


linking up with
Sugar Bee Crafts: Take a Look Tuesday
and Blackberry Vine Tuesday to-do Party
and Free Pretty Things for You...Whatever you want Wednesday
and Very Merry Vintage Style Share the Link Party
and WHAT are you making Wednesday from Home and Heart
and Sugar and Dots: What I Whipped Up Wednesday


  1. So sweet....your MIL is blessed to have you in her life.
    Sending good thoughts and prayers her way.

  2. Have a safe journey and wishing your MIL much strenght for a speedy recovery.

    PS this is a very interesting post, I have never heard of bingo card decorations/ crafting. I am going to investigate further.

  3. I used to be able to find these bingo cards all the time and now no where...I love what you have done and the crepe paper...many prayers to your MIL. Enjoy your trip and mark those flea markets down. Smiles...Renee

  4. Sending prayers for your mil!

  5. My thoughts and paryers ar you your mother in law (and you all as well)!

    Be safe in your travels :0)

  6. Have a safe trip, our thoughts and prayers are with you and Chris' Mom

  7. I have several old cards, and have never made anything with them. LOVE the Halloween ones!
    I hope you have a nice visit with your MIL, and that her surgery goes well.

  8. How is it you can take almost anything and find a charming use for it?

  9. Safe travels for this weekend...Tell sweet Nana that your blog friends wish her the best during her surgery and recovery period. I know that she really wants to be home like my Aunt Sarah!

    Speaking of my Aunt, she loves to play bingo...In fact, while at her retirement community, she is one of the dynamite players. She told me yesterday that she was feeling better, so she had them wheel her down to the activity room after her therapy to play. She won all kinds of goodies! I may just have to start looking for my own bingo cards to make into all kinds of lovely things like you do. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Many prayers are going up for Nana!

  10. Those are adorable crafts.
    A lovely tribute to your sweet mother-in-law.
    Prayers for all of you!

  11. What a sweet post. Hope you have a wonderful visit. Love your crafts! --thanks for joining my Share the Love link party again this week!

  12. I sure hope your MIL makes a good recovery..or at least some quality time to enjoy her family. Maybe a game of Bingo with her would cheer her up..Best wishes and I enjoyed your post..

  13. I'm so sorry to hear your MIL had a stroke. :( What a sweet surprise for her to have a gift from you out of vintage bingo cards. Only YOU would think of something that cool!

  14. I'm not much of a BINGO player myself, but I love the look of the cards in your crafts. Very cute!

  15. GOD BLESS YOU and I pray for a safe journey to visit your MIL.
    This is my first time to your blog and I know the Lord directed me. My blog is a praying blog and I pray a prayer for all women who want to have babies and if it is not possible to open all doors for adoption that no one can close and I pray for safety of all the children waiting to be be adopted that no harm will come to them. I have two children I am praying for in a Russian orphanage which can be...
    I signed up to be a friend/follower of your blog and I read your first 20 posts...The easter wreath you redid could not be recognized as the wreath you had did such an awesome job...literally stunning.
    I hope you will visit my blog and become a friend/follower. I really want to make friends with people , like you, who love their life and are not shallow.
    I Paris, so your daughters party intriqued me...that was awesome. I loved your big eiffel tower.
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day
    hugs to you and your precious daughters
    Simply Debbie

  16. Oooooooooooooo! How cute! I was looking for some bingo card inspiration! Thanks for some great ideas!

  17. These are really sweet and creative! Lovely idea!

  18. Love these vintage decorations!!! Thanks so much for sharing!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.