March 20, 2011

Happy 1st Day of Spring!

I'm happy to report that only a few small mounds of snow remain in the shaded areas of our yard. Woo hoo!! While I'm tempted to pack away our snow pants and winter boots, I know that the chance of white stuff returning to West MI is pretty high.

On Saturday, while Chris headed across the state, the girls and I spent the day shopping for spring clothes and playing in the yard. I also managed to find a few thrifty treasurers which is a post for Monday & Tuesday.

Emma is in love with her new long dress.
I think she looks very pretty, but much too grown-up.
How did that happen?

Josie and I came home with new gardening boots.

See. We really do have a few green things in our muddy yard!!

Our seedlings are also growing nicely in our sunroom.

Welcome Spring!
We've missed you!


  1. I say BRING ON SPRING! I put my snow shovel away yesterday and got out my Easter stuff, then sat down to watch the weather and they are calling for snow this week. BOO! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  2. hey, I need new spring boots! Absolutely, I do!

    Happy Spring!


  3. I was actually thinking of you the other day as we were playing at the splash pad! Hope you don't get any more snow! :)
    LOVE Emma's dress!!! Beautiful young lady!

  4. Such cute kids! I just got a bunch of gardening book at the library because our landscaping is looking pretty sad. And we are doubling our vegetable garden this year and I will try and not kill everything in it. I am so excited about spring this year! Your blog makes me excited for Easter and spring!

  5. Happy Spring! I so love colourful rubber boots and new dresses :) Spring brings so much promise. Have a lovely day Kim.

  6. Wow...your seedings are coming on very well, it looks like spring is finally on it's way in your area. Enjoy!

  7. Oh, how I have missed spring this year (but not as much as I missed it last year - heh!). Glad the snow is melting and the plants are sprouting. Can't wait to see all of the Easter goodness you come up with in the next few weeks.

  8. YAY! Enough with the snow stuff already. Emma does look quite grown up, Josie is predictably adorable, And your seedlings are doing VERY nicely! Mine are getting started this week.

  9. It is cold and rainy here! I could use some of those cute gardening boots today! Have a wonderful week!
    Happy Spring!

  10. They do grow up overnight. I look at my middle child and think about him being middle school and I swear I can hear him shuffling around the floor in footy pjs. Too cute boots. We go through those like water here and now they have the cutest patterns. I long for a sun room or a greenhouse, but the cat Mr. Reagan eats them down to the root every time. Enjoy your week...I loved catching up on your post...Smiles...Renee

  11. Our first days of Spring have been spent in torrential downpours....but oh am I ever glad it's here!!!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.