March 8, 2011

Snow & Seeds...

We have enough snow on the ground that the girls were out sledding in our yard this past weekend. Yes. Those dots are snowflakes in the air. It was nearly dusk when I took this photo.

Even if winter is lingering longer than we'd like, Chris and Josie spent this past Saturday afternoon getting a few seeds ready for planting. Thank you Lea for my Chinese forget-me-knots.

Our starter plants are taking up residence in the sunroom.

The next biggest hurdle will be keeping Miss Penny away.

I can't take any credit for the gardening projects that happen at my house. It's all Chris.

With his K-12 work schedule, he spends his summer days/nights with the girls outside.

Last year, we started a vegetable garden in sunny patch in the woods behind our house.

We're already plotting new ideas for a raised vegetable bed and expanding the garden. Thanks for the inspiration, Sunny!

Come on SPRING!


PS. I'm getting on my plane later this morning for Nashville. I've got a few posts ready for your enjoyment over the next few days.


  1. Enjoy your trip to Nashville. I am so ready for spring, we had a little snow this weekend to. The weather guy said the forsythia has bloomed so that means 2 more snows for us, I will have to see it to believe it!

  2. I NEED Chris' green thumb!!! Can y'all come to Texas for a visit?

  3. Perfect...winter vs. summer. The yard is beautiful. Such a great combination of wildflowers tamed. My kids love to start seeds, but we can't keep the cat (Reagan) out of them. Even fresh flowers are eaten. We save it for outside. Enjoy the time away as best you can! Smiles...Renee

  4. What a tease for spring! LOL
    Hope your trip to Nashville includes some fun and relaxation.
    Come soon to us SPRING!

  5. I used to have a kittie called Penny; she went over the rainbow bridge, but while she was still with me, no plant in the house was safe.
    I eventually gave up on plants and stocked up on cats insted- 4 of them are living with us now, and the only flowery joy I get is my annual display of pansies- OUTSIDE the house.
    Seeing how much fun your little princess seemed to have with the planting, maybe I include The Man's offspring in my efforts this year?! A bit of nature for the little city dwellers!
    Have fun in Nashville, be safe!

  6. As a teacher, I always enjoyed my summers off! It's so neat that he gets to enjoy his gardening with the girls. I look forward to seeing more of your pretty garden projects.

  7. Chris is good at this! Your front walkway is giving me evil ideas. Are you planning window boxes for the treehouse?

    Thank you also for the unexpected shout out!

  8. Your landscaping is FABULOUS! Hurry up, spring!

    Enjoy your time away!

  9. CANNOT WAIT for spring!!! I love Nashville--have fun and hopefully you'll get to enjoy some warm weather for a few days. :)

  10. Absolutely love that you garden from seed. Your garden is stunning and what I dream mine would look like if we had more sun. I hope your trip is good. I recently left my girls for the first time on my own, and it is a little unsettling. Safe travels.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.