January 13, 2016

Our 2015 Chinese New Year tree

If you've followed me for awhile, you know that we have a year-round decorative tree that receives multiple makeovers every other month (including some made-up holidays).
Now that my vintage Christmas ornaments are finally all packed up, Josie and I spent some time over the weekend working on her special tree. 
Her tree is now featuring an assortment of decorations celebrating the approaching Chinese New Year which begins February 8th.
I've said this each year, but of all the trees that I display in the sunroom throughout the year, I think the CNY tree is my favorite.
Someday Josie might not be as eager to help decorate her special tree, but I'm glad she enjoys celebrating her heritage.
 Happy Year of the Monkey!


  1. Your tree is certainly a MEMORY TREE! Hi Josie!

  2. Josie is a living doll. And everything looks so lovely. Susan

  3. O Ms. Josie , you and Mommy did an AMAZING job decorating your tree ! It is absolutely beautiful , Thanks for sharing it , wishing you and your family a very Happy Chinese New Year .Blessings ~Angela

  4. I love this tradition. I hope Josie never outgrows it.

  5. Josie is growing up so fast! Love the cute pic of her, and your tree is such a fun tradition!

  6. Wonderful that she still enjoys helping you decorate the tree and to celebrate her heritage.
    You are such a wonderful mom . . .

  7. The tree looks great, I love all the pretty ornaments-enjoy:@)

  8. I always love to see your CNY tree. that dragon is awesome and JOsie is getting so big! and she is gorgeous! have a great day my friend

  9. What an amazing tree! Beautiful ornaments! -xoNellie

  10. Josie looks so cute and the tree is awesome, Kim. I think it's so great that you do a celebration for Chinese New Year. I think you make so many holidays an event at your house. So fun for the girls!

  11. What a special tree! And how much Josie has grown this year! I've been reading your blog for a long time and I've watched your girls grow up. Makes me feel like a special Auntie! Enjoy your weekend. Hugs, Diane

  12. I love seeing this tree each year. I bet she never gets tired of decorating the CNY tree. A great way to honor her heritage.

  13. Your tree is so pretty and so is that Josie -- who is growing up fast! :) Happy Weekend!

  14. That's so lovely. What a nice tradition! I'm sure she will always carry on celebrating her heritage. Maggie

  15. Sorry I missed this post...I always enjoy your blog so much. I love how colorful the CNY decorations are. I think the Chinese love red almost as much as I do. New Year wishes for Josie!


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