January 25, 2016

The Annual Harry Potter Yule Ball!

For my long time followers, you know that my husband loves Harry Potter and spends time each week reading Harry Potter during the lunch hour at two different elementary schools in his district. 
 Saturday night was their annual Harry Potter Yule Ball. 
It’s a BIG deal and each year it gets more and more elaborate. 
In the past, he has rented a Dumbledore costume for his special gathering, but this year he decided that he needed a costume of his very own to keep.
The pictures don’t do it justice. It turned out wonderful and he’ll be able to use it anytime he feels the need to be a Professor Albus Dumbledore.

Close to 200 students were in attendance this year.
Loads of creative food and several new activities were added to this year’s venue.
The potions class was a big hit.

Riding the Knight Bus (thank you Grand Rapids Trolley Company) was also very popular.
Several magical creatures were supplied by our local zoo.

We even had quidditch lessons provided by the Grand Valley State University Grindylowe’s team.

Once again, the decorations were nothing short of fantastic.

A truly magic evening.

Chris and all his amazing staff/parent volunteers really outdid themselves.

 Have yourself a magical week.


  1. Wow! You guys are so creative. I love the Dumbledore costume and all the decorations. How fun! I think you both need to go into party planning if you ever need a second job. Chris's students are so lucky!

  2. Looks like fun, I'm sure the kids all had a blast:@)

  3. Oh what a fabulous thing to do for the kids! I would have been interested in the potions class myself. Chris looks great, the costume is fabulous. Glad he got his own costume...you'll have to let us know how often he goes "Professor" on the family. :) Sweet picture of Josie!

  4. What a fantastic evening! The costume is great! Harry Potter has become a classic! I love it! xo Nellie

  5. "Team Kenward" . . . you are the best . . .
    What a great event . . . congrat's to Chris Dumbledore . . .
    (Wonderful Kim!)

  6. As a former educator I find this absolutely amazing. Ken is exceptional and his reward will be the many, many students that remember him throughout their lives and this wonderful celebration. His dedication and love for these students is wonderful.

  7. How lucky are those students to have something like that to attend! High five to Chris for his love of Harry Potter. That series holds a special spot in my heart and Ben's heart too.

  8. I swear your family is the most fun creative family ever! Those kids will remember that Ball forever!

  9. looks like a big undertaking! and so worth it. Im sure all the kids.. (even the big one.. like your husband) had a blast. This is what I think part of life is about, doing whatever we can to help others enjoy theirs!
    Have a great day Kimmie!

  10. That is fantastic. The amount of effort that you all put out for that party is amazing. I'm sure the kids all loved it! BTW, I am going to picture Chris wearing the outfit around the house every so often just because he can :) He deserves his own robe, after all.

  11. This is so much fun!!! What a great costume he has now too :) I love things like this, and that bus is awesome.


  12. WOW!!! What a fun evening for all ! My hats off to all the volunteers for such a magical creative party . Have a great evening~ hugs Angela

  13. Wow That is absolutely incredible. Besides the joy he gives the kids by spending his personal time reading to them and getting them interested, he goes further to enhance their thinking with even more creativity and enjoyment. You guys are amazing! Making a difference!!!! That's what it's all about.


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