January 4, 2016

Welcoming winter

I’m sorry if I scared some of you into thinking I was closing down my blog. I’ve got too much invested in my blog (the original purpose was to document our adoption journey) but it’s also been a great way to record our family’s adventures over the years, so I promise to keep this going. Thank you for all the sweet comments. 
 Christmas break was so nice. A bit crazy to start out with. Chris had a kidney stone that took 4 days to pass and right in the middle of his kidney stone issues, we lost power for over 72 hours (which meant candles/flashlights and being camped out in front of our gas fireplace on Christmas eve). I swear we are the only family in our subdivision that doesn’t own a generator.
As you can imagine, my favorite part of Christmas break was getting to the lake.

It finally snowed and we spent every waking minute outside. 
 I know I’ve said this before, but I love our Aframe more in the winter than in the summer.

We are such a winter sports family.

We took long snowy hikes. 
We found new sledding hills.
Emma tested out her new snow shoes.

It was wonderfully peaceful.

So, now we are back into our school routines and my house and brain are disheveled.

Happy New Year to you, friends.  I hope your January is filled with quiet and peace as we roll into 2016.


  1. I love your winter pictures. So glad you aren't giving up on blogging. Hugs

  2. Ouch...your poor hubby! I had a kidney stone a few years ago and it took 4 days to pass too! It's something you don't forget!
    It's so beautiful at your cabin!

  3. Very nice, I love that first pic of the A-Frame! Glad you finally got some snow-enjoy:@)

  4. Hope your Hub feels better! Love seeing winter through your lens at the A-frame. Beautiful! Maddy would love it there! :) Hope re-entry to school isn't too tough!

  5. Absolutely beautiful post . . .
    I love you . . . Miss Winter Gal Kim!
    Which one, who . . . had the kidney stone . . .
    Awful aren't they, I have had four, two which had to be removed surgically . . .
    YIKES . . . I have great suggestions for preventative if you want to listen.
    My four were within two years . . .
    It has been quiet now for three years and I owe it to preventative measures.
    How wonderful you have trails and places to sled and snowshoe at the A-Frame . . .
    Love that we will continue to see you in blog land . . .
    Happy New Year to you and your family . . .
    (No generator for us either . . . shhhhhh.)

  6. Glad hubby is better. Love the A frame any time of year.

  7. Oh my word! Winter at the A-Frame looks absolutely heavenly! So pretty and fun too! Love these pictures!

    Hope Chris feels better soon!

    P.S. I could never give up blogging either because my blog remembers everything that I forget. I constantly search for old pictures and outings too!

  8. So sorry for hubby's discomfort during the holidays! Yikes! A power outage is no fun! Hope the first week is going smoothly! - xo Nellie

  9. Happy New Year, Kim! Hope Chris is doing better- my husband had kidney stones a few years ago, and holy cow, was that a process! All your snow scenes make me jealous- so awesome that your family enjoys winter sports together. Love the last photo of the girls at the tree!

  10. Oh I would so value my time at a sweet little a-frame like yours. What special family fun you have! Chris has my sympathy, I have had more than my share of kidney stones, but fortunately none lately. A generator is a wonderful tool. :)

  11. Ugh, darn kidney stones! I'm so happy for you that you have snow now. I think I might just be borrowing Emma's snow shoes for your winter decor INSIDE the house :) Those look pretty cool! Enjoy easing back into a schedule.

  12. The A-frame looks magical. The girls are so cute all bundled up. Hope Chris is feeling better and you are back to your schedule. Happy January, Kim!

  13. Lucky you, having all that snow! :) Love the photo of the three of you holding hands, so sweet. Sorry to hear of your hubby's health issue, glad he is well now.
    Happy New Year!

  14. still no snow here. but I hear its coming next week. supposed to be 50 saturday... just plain weird! I had to ready your blog post twice the other day to make sure you were closing down. lol! I knew you werent! Im ready to put christmas away this weekend and get valentines out! have a great day my friend!

  15. I hope your husband is back to feeling good. That is a painful problem. I am such a Winter lover. we love to sled and hike in the snow. It's so refreshing and invigorating besides being absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad you enjoy your A Frame as you do! Maggie

  16. Happy New Year. I love the a frame in the winter, it just looks so cozy

  17. Kimmy! So great to see you're still blogging. I thought people moved onto to other things like facebook and other social media. I miss it and miss reading other women's creative blogs. Yours is like a breath of fresh air. And your daughter - how she's grown!! So glad to see you and your family are doing well.



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.