February 19, 2016

Time flies

We will be celebrating our 8 year "forever family" adoption anniversary in less than a month. 
I seriously can't believe how quickly these years have flown by.  We're on the last few months of Emma's senior year too.  Sigh.


  1. Yes time flies.. I cant believe Emma's graduating this year. And in the fall... college! Where is she planning to go? what does she want to do? Such an exciting time of life for her.. for you too!
    have a nice weekend

  2. It's been a lot of fun following your blog and watching these girls grow up together. What a blessing your family is to us all. Enjoy the weekend! Have FUN! Hugs, Diane

  3. Time slows down for no one! You've some exciting times ahead! xo Nellie

  4. Time goes by so quickly and this is the best time of your life so be sure to have lots of fun and enjoy it all. The girls are growing up so quickly and they are both so lovely.

  5. Time really does fly, so at my age I am trying to appreciate every day. Gosh, I first found your blog a few years ago and I remember when you showed us the video of your meeting Josie in your hotel room. Now, growing up like crazy, and Emma graduating this year. Goodness, time sure does fly! :)

  6. Yes - time does fly! My granddaughter is 16! Kim, it has been so nice to watch your girls grow up - and to see all your fun decorations, costumes, parties, well...all the LOVE in your home! It always makes me wish I could do it all over. You sure do know how to make family memories! Blessings sweet KIM!

  7. As they grow up an enter new stages in life it is hard to let them go, but just as exciting to see the path they take. Enjoy that family time you have! xo

  8. It is crazy how fast they grow up. I can't believe Emma is a Senior this year. * years with Josie too. Tiem sure flies. Enjoy every moment you have with them, but I already know you do!

  9. Time truly does . . . "fly by!"
    Love the chewing gum pic . . .
    And thoughts of Emma and her Senior Year!

  10. Oh my word -- time does fly! Your little isn't so little and Emma a senior in high school!!! No way!! I'm sure she is having a great senior year! Enjoy!

  11. They do grow up so fast! Your girls are beautiful! :)

  12. I am afraid to blink! Time flies when you are having sooo much fun! Happy Forever Family Day!


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